What do you think, folks. Fru fru fun arty farty BS or am I onto something?

What do you think, folks. Fru fru fun arty farty BS or am I onto something? Originally shared by The @BlackHorse23 Files ****Wikipedia Source Pasted Below After Notes*** Was on my other research boards, and actually talking about the sacred shape of the Enneagram (More on that later) where a certain unnoticed correlation was made with the 9 Worlds of Ygdrassil , aka "The Tree of Life" in Norse Mythology- the sample image that was provided set off like a bomb in my head which resulted in this pictographic transmission and this postulation: If Stein Lightman 's recent Glyph unveiling is true, and the innovative ways the Leading agents in Operation Essex have been transfiguring the "movement" of Shaper Glyphs in a 3 dimensional or "None Flat Planar" Spaces AND if we are to entertain ancient world cosmologies, beliefs, Myths, And Their Coupling of their Understanding of Both the Empirically Observable Astronomy of their time With a more hidden and ...