Now that the Helios Anomaly has completed, control of the artifacts is once again held by the Resistance.

Now that the Helios Anomaly has completed, control of the artifacts is once again held by the Resistance. What does this mean? The artifacts are set to activate. What is our best predictions of the effects? Will Jarvis die? Is ADA resurgent?

...or will the artifacts spurn the winners of this conflict, just as control of Cassandra did?


    For reference, tonight's document. At very least, ADA doesn't seem to have full access to all data related to the artifacts. Or at least, not enough to not need to cut a deal.

  2. I like the implications that the Resistance's actions by their very ignorance has doomed humanity.

  3. Kevin Shaw, Devra Bogdanovich went crazy it's not our fault


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