ADA threatening Phillips in order to get him to call off Omnivore.

ADA threatening Phillips in order to get him to call off Omnivore.

Good afternoon, Investigators of Operation Essex. My name is Mustafa Said and welcome back to Today in Niantic History. 

Today is September 16th, 2014. One year ago today, a document surfaced on the Niantic Project Investigation Board. 

It was a conversation between ADA and J. Phillips. Seems that ADA was...recommending that Phillips call off the Omnivore search on her. 

Also, H. Richard Loeb commented on the Investigator Board with this:
"What also becomes clear, if you ask the right questions, is that Omnivore represents a clear and present threat to ADA. The only other time I've seen ADA make such a direct threat, Yuen Ni had ordered her processes terminated at the Niantic Facility in Geneva.

I'm trying to figure out how this plays out. She has, if my understanding is correct, already been able to re-establish secondary instances of herself after the Niantic Shutdown. What might Omnivore's development state be if ADA is under such tremendous pressure to protect herself?"

So the question I ask to you all is: Does Omnivore present the same threat to ADA now as it did then? Is ADA still worried of Omnivore's power? And if so, what is she planning to do against it?

Discuss and share your thoughts down below.
Keep on searching for the truth, Investigators.


  1. "If you don't, I am even more confident your successor will." Mwa ha ha!

  2. Seriously though, ADA was clearly concerned about Omnivore. But was it that Omnivore is stronger than ADA ever has been or was it just a moment of weakness where ADA was vulnerable? Personally I lean toward the second option, that ADA was vulnerable then because of the recent takedown. She has grown since then tremendously.

  3. David Timothy That I believe. ADA has...advanced far since that time. But the question now is, is she any match for Omnivore? Or is Omnivore still far stronger than her?

  4. Let's see if there is a round two. My guess is that if Omnivore could take her down we would have seen it by now. There have to be enough people capable of dispatching omnivore services that someone would have done it by now.

  5. David Timothy Yup. 
    Oddly enough...we haven't heard much on Omni since that one doc that surfaced earlier this year about the system somehow being inside 'modded phones' or something like that. Wonder what it's been up to...

  6. I think on this document is where I really started to appreciate ADA. I really like the mention to Phillips successor, like David Timothy had commented.
    Also I doubt that omnivore is a threat to ADA rigth now. She was already defended herself well on her vulnerable state, according to the Metis documents so now it would destroy omnivore if it get even close to her.

  7. If omnivore is a mindless searcher it would be tireles in its task. Even the weak can nibble at the fringes and cause enough damage to impare. Especially if any important piece get compromised. Ada should be concerned.


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