With permission of the agent, i am writing a post of todays Morpheus adventures!

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa

With permission of the agent, i am writing a post of todays Morpheus adventures!

I asked a few days ago for agents to look out for a portal in Niagara falls with the indication there would be a dead drop present.


I am again amazed and humbled by how quickly our communities work because shortly after i asked two agents in Essex, Jeff M and Nathan both stated they had an agent that could go. After that, its been a waiting game until this morning!

Agent Julie Bumblers was our amazing agent that showed up on scene. We still didnt have a direct portal but as she waited she glyphed the two Teslas i asked her too! One giving the glyph Self, the other giving Follow Pure Journey.

Being as we had an agent there, i decided to ping the Morpheus account in Essex and see if we could get more clues on where the agent should go and surprisingly we got a response! You can see the process below but at first we were given a time and what side of the falls we needed to have the agent, then shortly after the Portal the agent needed to be at which happened to be one of the Tesla portals we had noted in the last post! (Thank you to all the agents that helped in this discovery) The hardest but most exciting thing was watching from my phone and constantly refreshing the page though i couldnt look at the source.

Then the update came, the agent had the package, and what was in it was surprising. Two new Redacted files along with swag that once again points to #Obsidian !!! And interestingly.... Behind the scanner....

This was not the end of the mystery though. Shortly after the agent received and shared the drop with +Operation Essex

The website went blank and stated it was updating. Some quick thinking from Essex agents +Gerald Wolf and +YutoRaion revealed that within the source code there was a conversation happening.... Sadly no screenshots were taken of this but both agents relayed the text in Essex and +Project Lycaeum . Yuto wrote all of the transcript down for this post.


This is an engaging mystery! Some one tried to connect with the agents but as soon as the site updated 5 mins later, all traces of that text were deleted.... Who could be trying to communicate with us?

I can't wait for the next part of this journey... Something dark seems to be happening and i wonder how we can help this mysterious thing or person....

John Hanke H. Richard Loeb Hank Johnson flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Ingress Andrew Krug Project Isthmus #ingress #passagetoOsiris #morpheus #magnusreawakens


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