The aftermath of Cassandra, The Manhattan Project and Now...

The aftermath of Cassandra, The Manhattan Project and Now...

Today I lead a group of agents on a trip through Chicago... or what started out as one. A few things that I feared that would pose a challenge as being the Patron of this group, the group itself solved while we were playing...
• The group had an extremely fun time.
• The group asked when can we do something like this in the future.

The group encountered a time displaced scientist who was promptly abducted by a group of Mobsters and dragged through a door, the group followed in pursuit and found themselves back in the 40's era Chicago during the time of World War II. Behind the bar, the group was relieved to see Misty Hannah serving drinks and blending in.

Unfortunately the group caught the attention of the owners of the establishment, the mobsters and a fight broke out. Due to the roll of the dice, the group aided by Misty Hannah was able to subdue these mobsters. Misty further briefs the group on what she's found so far and points them in the direction of the abducted scientist.

The group gives chase after this scientist into the tunnels of Chicago, finding and locating the scientist along with a group of Italian Military operatives who were keeping the scientist in their clutches. One member of the group spoke fluent Italian and convinced the operatives that continuing on the current path was not in their best interests in remaining alive. The Italian Operatives fled in fear, leaving the scientist in the company of the group. A deep discussion about what exactly was going on starts, and several points were made clear:
• The Americans came into possession of a tecthulhu captured from a German U-boat, U-505
• The Scientists were strangely compelled to complete and repair this captured tecthulhu, they said that it was as if someone was talking to them into their mind
• This tecthulhu was suffused with a strange energy, which the agents explain to the scientist as being XM
• What ever was going on, this tecthulhu has a major part in it
• The latest experiment involving this tecthulhu somehow went sideways and now pieces of it became missing, but it could be repaired with parts found at the Manhattan Project
The group then has the scientist join their party and the scientist guides the group through the tunnels of underground Chicago to the entrance to the Manhattan Project where this functioning tecthulhu resides.

The group again calls upon Misty Hannah for aid, and she enables the group to enter the facility unchallenged.

The group now works their way through the facility, recovering these replacement parts for this tecthulhu and entering the chamber where the tecthulhu is held. Strangely, the facility seems to be linked with a German facility on the other side of the world, with the tecthulhu as the key. The group begins to restore the Manhattan Project Tecthulhu, as they begin this dangerous task, the group is joined by a ghostly Carrie Campbell, who seems to be working in 2013 but in the same location, the more the group restores the tecthulhu the more functioning this device becomes and the more solid Carrie Campbell appears to be.

The group completes the tecthulhu while meeting push-back from CM infused Nazi soldiers, when the contraption is restored, the group witnesses Carrie Campbell setting the infamous self-destruct sequence into this tecthulhu. There's another major release of energy, with screams being heard, those of a woman in agony and a strange mechanical beast being destroyed.

The group is then pushed back to now as a temporal paradox is averted. Awaiting the group is a now returned Oliver Lynton-Wolfe while he says the group has served their purpose and to escort them out. The group is ushered past the now on-display U-505 in the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry , and lead out into the night air of Chicago... A few moments later, the group is rejoined by Misty Hannah who expresses her gratitude to the group for averting a severe temporal paradox.

#IngressRPE #ChicagoRPE #PlacesIngressHasTakenMe


  1. I love the part "One member of the group spoke fluent Italian and convinced the operatives that continuing on the current path was not in their best interests in remaining alive."


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