A Discussion of Archetypes

A Discussion of Archetypes

As the topics of archetypes recently came up in discussion in the Essex Investigative group, I went off of the suggestion of fellow investigator Ishira Tsubasa, and listed below you will find the currently used archetypes, dark archetypes, and subtypes in the Essex Ingress RPE document.

Just for a bit of clarification, we had the revealing of the initial archetypes and their abilities during the 2017 Camp Navarro event... Investigators later uncovered "subtypes", which are specialized versions of certain already existing archetypes and these aligned to certain characters in the Ingress lore. Investigators researched further and uncovered what we initially termed “anti-archetypes”, these are archetypes that are the functional polar opposites of the archetypes, the term has then shifted to “dark archetypes” to more appropriately describe them. Further investigation uncovered two additional archetypes.
The one archetype that has never had a game-play entry has been the Patron, this is because the Patron is the one who runs the session. For a bit more familiar term, this would analogous to a “Dungeon Master” in Dungeons and Dragons.

The names and abilities of each will be listed below along with the original Niantic project researcher associated with each.

The Dreamer - Roland Jarvis
The difference between the perceived and the imaginable has never been black and white for you. The dream state is just one layer of reality -- one which you can see, reach into and affect by your sheer force of will.
Archetype Ability: You may manifest any previously encountered object. If desired, this can be infused with up to 5 DARK XM tokens, but you will suffer a -1 to your health for each token.
Nightmare (The Anti-Dreamer)
Once per session, you may destabilize any encountered weapon or object (except a prime object), (This removes the weapon or object from play), if desired, you can take up to 5 Dark XM tokens upon yourself if you destabilize an XM object, you will take -1 health for each token.

The Catalyst - Devra Bogdanovich
Destiny seems to follow in your footsteps, as if your mind were capable of manifesting reality itself. Others around you sense this power. They are emboldened and empowered by your charisma and drive.
Archetype Ability: Once per session, you can add +3 to the entire party’s reaction rolls for one round.
Suppressor (The Anti-Catalyst)
Once per session, you can add -3 to an entire group’s rolls for one round.

The Explorer - Hank Johnson
Somewhere out there is a force that beckons you. It always has. Your whole life you have pursued this call -- it has made you a master of many environments and the many skills needed to navigate them.
Archetype Ability: Once per session you can assist the entire party in navigating the terrain, doubling the range of their movement for one round.
Confiner (The Anti-Explorer)
Once per session, you can hinder an entire group from moving, reducing by half the movement of a group for one round.
The Defender and the Attacker (Explorer subtype) - Farlowe
Your travels around the world have made you extremely adept at wielding a specific type of weapon. Be it from defending that special person or to hunting the ultimate game, people. Upon picking this subtype, you must state what your specific damage specialization is.
Subtype Ability: You gain +2 to attack rolls of your chosen damage specialization, this is not a +2 bonus to damage.

The Alchemist - Oliver Lynton-Wolfe
Substances, both real and those beyond perception bend to your will. Many are in awe of your abilities. To you, it is commonplace. A skill that unfolds as naturally as breath itself.
Archetype Ability: Once per session, you may convert one (1) Dark XM token to an XM object of your choice that is currently in play, or use three (3) Dark XM tokens to return any previously used XM object back into play.
Transmuter (The Anti-Alchemist)
Once per session you may take any XM object of your choice that is in play and convert it to a dark XM token to place upon a willing party member. This action destabilizes the XM object and removes it from play.

The Spiritualist - Stein Lightman
Your deep well of arcane knowledge will come in handy. You know that all magic is merely technology awaiting discovery, and have learned the ancient ways of activating it. Your powers are both feared and respected.
Archetype Ability: Once per session, you can energize any recursed party member (including yourself) removing the negative penalty to knowledge checks and allowing them to regain, or change, their alignment.
Hexer (The Anti-Spiritualist)
Once per session, you can induce recursion penalties upon one target, the target can make a CR 15 resistance check to attempt to resist, this causes the negative penalty to knowledge checks, and possibly forcing the target to the opposite alignment.

The Omniscient - ADA
You mind is a vast memory palace -- filled with every perfect detail of every single fact you have ever encountered. They say knowledge is a weapon. If true, you wield the sharpest blade of all.
Archetype Ability: You may convert 1 DARK XM token to reveal a hidden portal, or to cancel a random encounter or event.
Deceiver (The Anti-Omniscient)
You may convert 1 Dark XM/XM token to hide a portal, or to induce a random encounter or event.
The Scribe (Omnipotent subtype) - PAC
Your vast knowledge of history has served you well in your travels. You live and die by the creed “Those who do not learn from the past are destined to repeat it”
Subtype Ability: 3 times per session, you can refer to any previous session for insight about an area, people, or culture

The Skeptic - Martin Schubert
Your cautious, detailed oriented nature enables you to see potential problems before they fully manifest and has made you headstrong. While the party is likely to resent your constant warning, they know that it may end up saving them all if disaster strikes.
Archetype Ability: You may allow every member of your party to re-roll a single die for one round. On a successful CR15, you can also force the DM to reroll a single die for the same round.
Cynic (The Anti-Skeptic)
One per session, you can choose a target group or individual and cause all targets who made a successful roll to reroll that roll and take the lowest result for one round.

The Trickster - Misty Hannah
Light-footed and even lighter-fingered, your mastery of perception and guised misdirection enable you to dance circles around those who stand in your way.
Archetype Ability: Once per session, you can cause all enemies to misjudge their perception for one round of combat. For each hit inflicted on a party member, you can roll a CR15 deception check. If successful, the attack misses and the target take no damage.
Seer (The Anti-Trickster)
One per session, you can cause all targets of a group a moment of absolute clarity for one round of combat. For each hit roll done by a target group, you roll a CR15 deception check, if successful; the attack roll hits the target, even if the attacker rolled a miss.

The Listener - Enoch Dalby
Your keen senses make up for what you lack in strength. You are quick to react, and your natural sense of resonance enables you to interact with XM in ways that others wish they could.
Archetype Ability: Once per session, you can tune the resonance of a single portal doubling it’s hacking output of everything except portal keys. When this power is activated, make a CR15 hack check. If successful, each member of the party (including the listener) will also receive a single additional object for the hacked portal.
Reverberator (The Anti-Listener)
One per session, you can tune to the destructive resonance of a single portal, causing a reduction in the hack output of the portal by half, when used make a CR 20 resonance check, if successful, you cause the portal to collapse upon itself, temporarily sealing the portal, this lasts for a duration of 1d8 rounds.

The Visionary - Victor Kureze
To some, you may appear ordinary. They have not witnessed your true potential. To reach into the very fabric of the universe and see a distant time, a distant place, a distant truth. Few wield such power.
Archetype Ability: Once per session you can summon an oracular vision of a future event that will happen during the mission. The DM will channel this vision and share it with the party.
Illusionist (The Anti-Visionary)
Once per session, you can summon an ocular illusion of something that will not happen during the mission. When activated all targets roll a CR 10 perception check, if they fail, they remain caught in the illusion for 2 rounds, getting a -2 on all rolls.
Clairvoyant (Visionary subtype) - Tycho
You’ve always been able to see things. Some call them visions. Yet they almost always become true.
Subtype Ability: 2 times per session, you can ask the DM a direct question about a future plot point within the session. But be forewarned, visions can mean different things, and if you do not understand what is told to you, you do not get a second chance to ask about that detail.

The Humanist - Yuri Nagassa
Chakras, humors, and spirits -- you realize they were all grasping at things you always understood naturally. The core essence of a human’s life force is a thing that you can touch and affect at will.
Archetype Ability: Once per session, you can heal any party member back to full health, or add +2 to the health of each party member. Note that this power can take party members above their initial party health.
Defiler (The Anti-Humanist)
One per session, you can hinder a party by taking -2 health (HP) from an entire party, these targets suddenly feel extremely sick and weak.

The Interpreter - Carrie Campbell
Words have never quite felt the same to you as to others. You can see through them, past the noise of thought, into the very mind of another. There, you can see their true feelings, ideas, and will untainted by the imperfections of language.
Archetype Ability: Once Per session, you have no communication barrier for a single encounter or round.
Silence (The Anti-Interpreter)
One per session, you cause mass confusion for one target, making communication impossible for a single encounter or round.

The Muse
You are a beacon of light within the darkness of this world. While others seek the glory of the spotlight, you are content on sitting back stage or on the wings. Your presence alone is capable of inspiring and motivating others to bring about the greatness that you know exists within them.
Archetype Ability: Three times per session, you can add a +3 bonus to any die roll made by any character except yourself.

The Awakened
You are awake now. You have opened your eyes to the world around you and it’s beauty and wonder has broken through the haze. You believe you are able to change the world and you seek like-minded individuals on your path.
Archetype Ability: You are capable of giving yourself a +2 bonus or grant a single ally a +1 bonus to any die roll. This ability can be used up to three times per session.


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