The Recursion Prime Artifacts

The Recursion Prime Artifacts
On 20th Oct, 2018, #RecursionPrime Anomaly Day1, POCs of victorious faction of each site received something like a mysterious coin or a medal.
According to Alisana 's follow up, Niantic Staff said that they were Recursion Artifacts.

I noticed a strange thing when I saw images of this coin. The symbols of Enlightend and Resistance are engraved on each sides of the coin respectively. But both factions were raised after the Scanner application leaked out of the Niantic Project, that is around the year 2012. Why are faction symbols of the 21st century engraved on Artifacts that exist since Alexander the Great's era?

When I asked this question on the Lycaeum telegram, several members immediately presented 13Magnus and Anti-Magnus. They have a history of conflict from long ago than the Ingress Scanner, and their respective thoughts are handed down to both current factions. But 13Magnus has different symbols.

Were each Ingress factions unconsciously adopted the symbols that existed since ancient era as a logo by some influence from the portal or XM? Did antiquity Sensitive foresee what happens in the future and carved the symbols into an artifact? Or were they brought from another universe that is more advanced in time than this universe like Osiris?

In #Recursion Anomaly that occurred in our universe in 2014, there was a coin found from XM Vaults in Austin.
Hank has not concluded that this coin itself was a Recursion Artifact. But according to his analysis, on each sides the animals symbolizing Resistance and Enlightened are engraved. Is the current artifact what the coin has changed somehow?

... and also this #RecursionPrime Anomaly, Austin is the primary site of Day 2. Hank Johnson may appear there again. And the secret of the Artifacts can be revealed there…

Thanks to members who enrich our discussion:
Alisana 樹栗田 tetsuo takahashi numachi KSL absolute 119966 +tabineco ミウツーmiu2d4r 後日明 Narutaki Ayuto YutoRaion

#ProjectLycaeum #ingress #RecursionPrime Hank Johnson

Originally shared by MailEater (白ヤギ)

今月20日より発生した #RecursionPrime アノマリー1日目に、各サイトの勝利陣営POCは謎めいたコインかメダルのようなものを受け取ったとされている。
Alisana のその後の報告によれば、これはリカージョン・アーティファクトであるとナイアンティック関係者より回答を得たそうだ。

メダルの両面にはそれぞれエンライテンド、レジスタンスのシンボルマークが彫り込まれている。しかしこの両陣営が生まれたのは、ナイアンティック計画からスキャナーアプリが漏洩した後のこと、つまり早くても2012年頃のことなのである。 アレキサンダー3世の時代から存在しているはずのアーティファクトに、なぜ21世紀の陣営シンボルが刻まれているのだろうか?

2013/10/20 デヴラ・ボグダノヴィッチによる13マグナス調査レポート


2014年に我々の世界で起きた #Recursion アノマリーの際、オースティンのXM貯蔵庫から見つかったコインがある。



Alisana 樹栗田 tetsuo takahashi numachi KSL absolute 119966 +tabineco ミウツーmiu2d4r 後日明 Narutaki Ayuto

#ProjectLycaeum #ingress #RecursionPrime Hank Johnson


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