So - throwing this out there to get discussion going.

So - throwing this out there to get discussion going. if there really is a G+ end coming - what should we do with the Operation Essex Community? How would we archive it? Where would we move to (Forum Boards are the ideal type of structure).



  1. - To give people a full opportunity to transition, we will implement this wind-down over a 10-month period, slated for completion by the end of next August. Over the coming months, we will provide consumers with additional information, including ways they can download and migrate their data.

  2. Hopefully to some online forum (Possibly hosted by Niantic) and someone elected to archive.

    Or dare I suggest we move to Google Groups.
    Though in all practicalities, I'm going to see what Niantic is going to do, and I may move to the social media platform they adopt in all honesty.

  3. I am worried about Google Groups and Hangouts given the sunsetting of g+

  4. Kosh TheRipper Agreed - I know they had been trying Facebook and Twitter and I am not fond of either in terms of a community research function capacity

  5. Should we look into stuff like diaspora and/or Vero ??

  6. JoJo Stratton Rightfully so; Google has made every indication that they are not interested in these consumer-level tools. Hangouts for consumers hasn't received an update in forever, while hangouts for enterprise is getting regular support & updates. I expect Hangouts to be next on the block.

  7. Google+ is the only social media I really use. Once its done, I'll probably have a bit more time on my hands for you tube. lol
    With the migration to anything you always see a loss, hopefully all the compiled data doesn't just go away.

  8. The most secure platform is going to be Facebook who are now guaranteed a social media monopoly

  9. JT Sadly I would have to agree. A few of the tools that dropped along the way FB still has. Based on the numbers I see it NIA next larger user base is already located there

  10. JT I am not giving Facebook access to my life. I've already signed away everything to the Googles. Facebook doesn't have a better track record by any means.

  11. Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb I want to hear your opinion.

  12. Nabuna OS Like this will every have a usable API

  13. G+ will likely go to an enterprise social media and continue that way.
    If so Operation Essex could become an enterprise for archive purposes.

  14. Chris Cogan there is a monthly cost per user for enterprise. FYI.

  15. Mike Palumbo how much do you value the content?
    How much would that subscription be divided by the number of people in the community?

  16. Chris Cogan It's $10 per user, per month.

  17. Chris Cogan that is the worst suggestion as it locks the average agent completely out. The ideal is that any agent can join the investigation and contribute, not limiting things via the installation of a pay gate.

  18. Kosh TheRipper Facebook may be the actual only alternative

  19. Mario Valenzuela II just throwing out the questions.
    Facebook it is then


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