Consideration on the connection between XM portal and each universe and the role of scanner

Consideration on the connection between XM portal and each universe and the role of scanner
In conclusion, it is the idea that portals and universes are connected so that several layers overlap.
The story from here can be based on image below,and there are prerequisites.
· Although it can interfere with layers from high layer to low layer, "basically" can not interfere from low layer to high layer.
In my opinion, I think that the layer (I called the XM layer) where there are many XMs and related things is at the top of any layer (universe).
The gray hole seems to be a rift between the 1218 layer and the XM layer, it is a portal. I wonder if XM flows out from the upper layer, and the portal made. However, I said "basically" as a prerequisite because there are peculiarities that move from low layer to high layer like jarvis. (As an aside, on Misty's teleportaling or RPE, person moves to the XM layer by some means. in the case of Misty she emerges from another portal, and in the case of RPE they appear in different universes or different places of time, I wonder if it is)
The scanner we use may be a device to filter and control XM flowing into our world.
I believe there is an Osiris layer beneath 1218 layer.
The red hole is the rift between 1218 layer and the Osiris layer.
I think that a new scanner called Ingress Prime considers 1218 layer that saturated by XM to be a pseudo XM layer and control it between that interval. (This is probably because there is a portal at the same position as the current scanner.)
Thanks to the Lycaeum members who extended my idea and has helped translate.
#ProjectLycaeum #OperationEssex #ingress
Japanese - XMポータルと各ユニバースの繋がり、及びスキャナーの役割についての考察 結論を先に述べると、いくつものレイヤーが重なるようにポータルやユニバースが繋がっ...