Newer tycho poster

Newer tycho poster


  1. Looks like something's up in Philadelphia home of the Liberty Bell

  2. The coded message on the bottom reads....
    "After Epiphany Night, Enoch's went dark. Carrie's always been his synesthetic interpreter. His musicled her to a message. One that haunted her....she said it was a force of destruction. A snake that would devour the earth " Operation Essex

  3. Any help on the glyps on the drawing on the Liberty Bell Ishira Tsubasa ??

  4. Also, looks like the cities expeeiencing anomalous zones during Cassandra Prime are marked on the world map.

  5. Die glocke. Does anyone else remember the mention of the “die glocke tecthulhu”?

  6. Other things to consider...
    Cassandra (in ye old Greek mythology) had her ears “licked” by serpents, had the gift of visions of future events. Nobody believed her. Nobody listened to her. And Troy collapsed. So Cassandra’s gift was more of a “curse”, cause nobody took the poor girl seriously.

  7. Also, I feel for that girl. It sucks. Nobody takes me seriously. It’s disheartening and exhausting. So I just sit back and watch. Meh.

    ONE wooden horse and they all go “damn... Maybe we shoulda listened to the crazy girl after all...”

    But, what can ya do? 😁

  8. Die Glocke techthulu was the one Carrie shut down with the self destruct sequence

  9. I was saying that it was referenced at a point in time. I was focusing mostly on the die glocke part in terms of the poster image.

  10. Thompson Grotte after my visit to Philadelphia this weekend. I can identify that clock as being City Hall in Philadelphia, that shares the space with Dilworth Park, where this primary anomaly took place.


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