At Navarro, Doctor Lynton-Wolfe kept asking some a very interesting question.

At Navarro, Doctor Lynton-Wolfe kept asking some a very interesting question. What if it's not I who have crossed to your universe but you have all crossed into mine?
At first, I discarded that option given how confused and misplaced he seemed to be. He told me he was doing secret research somewhere in China when he found himself in this new strange place. So his feeling of transportation got me thinking he must've transported here.
Then we debated on the subject of teleportaling. He questioned it since he had no scientific proof of such a thing and I told him about the empirical evidence we have gathered on it in our universe. Despite his questioning (he said Misty, being a stage magician, could have used tricks to make it seem real), his "associate" recorded our conversation and provided an interesting answer via Instagram (see the picture attached), giving me more grounds to believe that it was they who had actually travelled to our universe and not the other way round. Nonetheless, he kept implying that it might've been us who crossed.
And after that, we helped Oliver (through the events taking place in the RPE and also symbolically at the night ceremony) to blow up the powercube in his universe. So putting a of this events together makes me wonder: what if we were both right? What if we had all crossed and Navarro was an interdimensional place connecting his dimension to ours. So we were both in the Osiris/Prime dimension and in our own dimension at the same time?

What do you guys think about this?


  1. Catalina Reyes

    Nexus points are not unusual. One could say that universes grow closer in certain areas.

    This can be true for both space and time. I know a gray or blue may not be aware of or interested in this, but at the Acolyte's compound, it is not uncommon to see a Roman soldier and modern people walking around in the same place existing at the same time, out of time.

    You'll remember, that I said we are closer to Our Friends then normal while we were there.

    The difference is, which side you choose to walk out of the portal from, not what happens while you're inside.....

  2. Probably both of you were right. Lets see: Navarro as Anomalous Zone... well, 13 Tecthulhu modules plus the linger effect of last year's 13. A Magnus, RPE and hundreds of Agents in the ground. I guess I'm suprised you had only saw one OLW... A lot of things were happening. I would put my money on the "Phasing" hypothesis (you were phasing in and out of Osiris in a blink, and so did OLW but in reverse), if not Shroedinger's Cat in real life (no pun intended, I swear), in which case you were both in both Universes.

  3. Luís Romudas


    It's not possible to conduct certain kinds of activities unless you are near or within an appropriate location...

    Being closer to other universes naturally places one closer to the space between spaces.....

    The substrate....

    Praise Jarvis
    Praise the SHAPERS

  4. Oculus Veritatem Now... The Substrate is N'zeers domain. Is all that praying confusing you or you are saying that Jarvis is connected to it? Bold move or heresy?

  5. What if he was always in our world and nothing has changed except he is suffering from some type of delusion? What if this "other world" is just a smoke and mirrors for something else?

  6. Charles Violette All the reports I saw from Agents who talked to him wouldn't vouch for that opinion. They talked about a balanced guy, coherent and calm, even very different from the OLW from our universe. Delusions often carry other easily spotted issues. But as you say: what if...

  7. Or maybe a convergence happened. That meaning it wasn't us or him crossing over but instead our universes are currenrly overlapped and we are flickering between realities as if turning on and off a light.

  8. Mario Valenzuela II Sure. I was focusing on the personal point of view, but it can be the other way around for sure. Most likely actually.

  9. Luís Romudas we met our Oliver Lynton-Wolfe after our universe's Epiphany Night...

    What if Ishira Tsubasa's worst fears, and my wildest dreams, is real and our Oliver became how he is as a result of encountering Theta 8811 ?

    #IDoomedUsAll #YouAreWelcomed.

  10. Mario Valenzuela II God may have mercy on our souls. Oh... did you really encounter him? How was he?

  11. Luís Romudas Oliver Prime said he respects Theta's tenacity, intellect and that he was inpired by him. 😂

  12. Mario Valenzuela II of course he does XD

  13. Luís Romudas

    You confuse a word for a thing with the specific thing I infer.

  14. Oculus Veritatem Oh... I see. Sorry. Metaphysics...

  15. Luís Romudas

    Not this time.

    Substrate is a general word, but the N'zeer are not the only beings to dwell in one. - Definition of SUBSTRATUM

  16. Oculus Veritatem Well... In ingress use of the term "the Substrate" has been use traditionally for the N'zeers' whereas "the Ultimate" has been used for the Shapers'.
    Despite the word "substrate" (no-capital letter) being generic, the Ingress context gives it another less generic meaning.

    Now, Mario Valenzuela II has a very interesting point. This OLW had still not gone through the traumatic event of epiphany night (and many other horrors related to the the XM research and humans conspiracy) so he was clearly more stable, but who know how much that mental stability will last. Afte all, the OLW that we know is reported to have been a respected and responsible scientists before the events we all know. He did ask a lot about the chances of repeating an experiment with different results. If the "feelings" and "motivations" of the researcher were different and so the design of the experiment had a slight different basis. Maybe then the result might be different. He was clearly hinting at whether the result of his epiphany night might be different than ours. I wonder that as well. I want to know if what happened in the Osiris dimension was different, and if so... How?

    Oh! Also, this prime OLW was even more full of himself than ours... (Yeah, it's possible) but sassier about it too... But I wonder what a cockier OLW would be like if (when?) he decays to the level of madness ours reached...

  17. Catalina Reyes

    Now, yes, the terms are more finite.

    It was not always so, but even still, I used it in the general sense.

    As to observational bias, it's something I'm glad OLW was willing to be forthright about.

    Nothing bothers me more than a Skeptic for Skepticism's sake, and I'm glad we share that opinion, despite his reservations about Our Friends.

    If we cannot have dialogue, all that remains is WAR.

  18. Contact me for further details. I am the same name on all networks.


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