The Omniscience Project needs your help!

The Omniscience Project needs your help! Operation Essex members have a lot of knowledge on the Ingress lore, please share it with the other agents.
Go to to submit your questions for our quiz that will be playable for the first time at the Schloss Kaltenberg event.

Originally shared by Ingress Omniscience

To truly understand and prepare for what lies ahead, we must have an awareness of all things; from the Early Days all the way to our present reality. Past is prologue.

The Omniscience Project is a portal luminescence project with the primary objective of combining the wealth of agents’ knowledge and experiences – their mind palace – and attempting to store it in a Vault, similar to the method Niantic Project Members used to store their memories in, prior to recursing.

The collected data will be re-run for agents at Schloss Kaltenberg as simulated tests for verification and evaluation purposes. The intended outcome of the research sessions will be a total information awareness entity with omniscience of the events that shaped this universe. Test subjects must be warned of the potential volatility of the experiment as the site is believed to have an energetic history which could potentially turn anomolous with the presence of so many high-level sensitives. All previous tests were conducted in controlled environments so the effect of these variables on these pioneers of the mind is unknown…

The information system software used by the project is named MnemeSys after the Greek muse of memory Μνήμη (Mnḗmē) and is pronounced like “Nemesis” – the core of the current scanner software. It will be interfacing with a Tecthulhu module. These are considered to act as a medium for connecting to other times and spaces… It is theorised that if the connection is a success and we have dial tone, we might witness these memories from a different universe or passing through multiverse in simulacra.

These agents will remember the future. A new beginning.


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