Research. That is what I do. I research. I dig and dig until I find something and do believe I found something special.
After pouring over website upon website about Chicago, Al Capone, tunnels and submarines. My focus and that of Essex turned towards famous experiments that may have been held in Chicago at one time or another.
The Manhattan Project first came to minds. This was promptly followed up with the Philidelphia Experiment. So what did these two things have in common that stood out? A lot more than I counted on, I'm afraid.
Chicago, FDR, Einstein, and a multitude of other scientists, mathematicians, physicists and backers(cough, cough, JPChase). And it was hard to find the needle in the haystack. But I found it.
I found DialTone! Or to be more precise, Nikola Tesla found it.
In 1899-1900, Tesla had been attempting to send a signal from Colorado Springs to Paris, but had, instead, 'observed unusual signals from his receiver which he speculated to be communications from another planet.'
Were these signals from another planet as Tesla had speculated, or was he actually hearing a glyph sequence from Exogenous?
Could Nikola Tesla have been our Devra Bogdanovich of his time?
H. Richard Loeb
Edgar Allan Wright
Hank Johnson
flint dille
Ariel Diana
After pouring over website upon website about Chicago, Al Capone, tunnels and submarines. My focus and that of Essex turned towards famous experiments that may have been held in Chicago at one time or another.
The Manhattan Project first came to minds. This was promptly followed up with the Philidelphia Experiment. So what did these two things have in common that stood out? A lot more than I counted on, I'm afraid.
Chicago, FDR, Einstein, and a multitude of other scientists, mathematicians, physicists and backers(cough, cough, JPChase). And it was hard to find the needle in the haystack. But I found it.
I found DialTone! Or to be more precise, Nikola Tesla found it.
In 1899-1900, Tesla had been attempting to send a signal from Colorado Springs to Paris, but had, instead, 'observed unusual signals from his receiver which he speculated to be communications from another planet.'
Were these signals from another planet as Tesla had speculated, or was he actually hearing a glyph sequence from Exogenous?
Could Nikola Tesla have been our Devra Bogdanovich of his time?
H. Richard Loeb
Edgar Allan Wright
Hank Johnson
flint dille
Ariel Diana
We need not forget the Montauk Project madness that was going on at the same time period by the same researchers...and it also reminded me of this tid bit. Who can you really trust in this world?
ReplyDeleteThis thing was huge! Its size leads me to wonder if it could have been more than a statue, could it have been an antennae in disguse? - Nikola Tesla in Chicago