Looking into the sequences revolving around the self destruction code

Looking into the sequences revolving around the self destruction code

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa

Understanding the Code: Carries Warning Sequence Study

In trying to understand the Self Destruction Sequence I decided to look back at the other Glyphs revolving around #Cassandra. In the process of this, Melissa pointed out this video and sequence along with it.


I felt this was an important Sequence to look into because Carrie specifically met H. Richard Loeb that night to give him a message of her own that didn't seem to fit the Glyphs that shown on the damaged video.

Considering Carrie Campbell (or her Simulacrum) would sacrifice herself later to stop a assumed sequence that would destroy civilization, I dug further into this sequence she was given to get a better understanding of what she may have interpreted from it and why she did not share the message directly to Loeb at the time.

Seek/Search Seek/Search Answer Seek/Search Difficult Answer Deteriorate/Erode Self Destroy/Destruction

Secondary Glyphs

Abandon, Body, Breath/Live, Complex, Consequence, Create, Die/Death, Equal, Forget, Future, Civilization, Help, Ignore, Imperfect, Improve, Intelligence, Less, Lie, More, Nature, New, Now/Inside, Old, Past, Present, React, Restraint, Separate, Share, Simple, Stability/Stay, Strong, Technology, Together, Truth, Weak, Xm

While the original message seems chaotic and urgent as it is repeating Glyphs in a static and noisy way, the structure is rather balanced. Many important opposites are present within it's secondaries unlike the other two sequences close to the destruction code. This sequence may be longer than our normal scanner messages but it's structure doesn't actually represent that well. It isn't as complex as the other two sequences and there is an obvious flow. You could draw the entirety of this glyph with two strokes.

All of the immediate time Glyphs are present, which is interesting since the sequence seems incredibly urgent with the repeating of search/seek multiple times. That, to me, would normally indicate the answer needed to be found now rather than later but the time Glyphs throw that off. It made me think that possibly this is an indication that the self destruction code wouldn't just affect our time but many points in time. Or possibly that Carrie needed to be outside of our time restrictions to stop it… Maybe not be affected by time…

Technology and intelligence are indications of a greater mind in my opinion which could be why the immediate glyph for mind isn't present. Or possibly that the mind being used wasn't one of a human... Separate, ignore, forget, restraint, lie, and consequence get greatly overshadowed by these two Glyphs and many others like Help, improve, truth, breathe/live, create, etc. The opposites in this sequence is like a teetering edge where it could either go incredibly well or very wrong and this was the option Carrie was given.

When it seems like the consequences are equal to the benefits then people are more willing to take the risk….

I want to point out Nature and Civilization. Out of all the sequences revolving around the self Destruction code that was believed was going to destroy our civilization, we finally have the glyph present in one of them but it's almost counteracted by Nature.  What I mean is, Nature changes things in this sequence by being present in my opinion. It's possible it was added as another incentive, another deceiving point to try and convince Carrie to look further for the counteractive sequence. Saying that not just our civilization was at risk but also nature, or our planet as a whole. To me it makes the sequence a little less believable because nature was never brought up as a risk anywhere. To me it was put in to add more confusion and not give the actual truth on what Carrie would be saving… It was possible that nature is suppose to represent Natural but as it has never been used in that context I don't feel it should be here either.

Moving on, this sequence did push Carrie to find a way to counteract the self destruction code and I think this sequence was specifically made to Target her. That's why she didn't share it with Richard because the structure gives it away. Human isn't present in this sequence at all. Mind and soul are also missing but body isn't…. We know that Carrie isn't dead now, that her Simulacrum may have been used in this sacrifice which would make sense with the structure of this sequence. Yes Simulcra is missing but it is almost formed in two different ways. The important part of Simulcra is there though and that's Body. I think Carrie saw this, I think she saw how close the overall structure looks like Simulcra and that was why she didn't share this sequence.

It's possible Carrie in the urgency became overly paranoid that her secret would be revealed and that people with higher intelligence would see that the sequence wasn't calling for a human. Or maybe because of the structure she knew she was the only one that could find the answer so there wasn't a point in sharing the Glyphs she was getting. They were clearly for her…. It's possible Richard could have talked her down, could have urged her to find another way, could have pointed out that the consequences were equal to the benefits but he would have never understood why she took it to heart.

I honestly love the structure and look of this sequence. It's balance is refreshing after looking at the destruction code and the message beside Carrie. Noting how this sequence is, it isn't surprising it was given to her first. She was given hope and direction with this sequence and she obviously outweighed the consequences with benefits she believed would happen. Or benefits she was forced to believe would happen…. Either way this sequence paved the way for her to look past the complexity of the future sequences and ultimately miss what she was sacrificing herself for.

Though civilization may be present, this sequence in no way has convinced me that the self Destruction sequence was in fact aimed at our civilization. I still feel Carrie was greatly played because her understanding of Glyphs were so much more than most people's. Carrie was also driven by emotions and these sequences definitely play on them….

This is just my thoughts and opinions when looking at this sequence and it's secondaries! It is in no way the truth until it is otherwise said. I would love to see you opinions on this sequences structure and have a discussion on how it affected Carries decisions. As always agents! Continue glyphing!

The rest of this series can be seen here!

The self Destruction code- https://plus.google.com/116260179700704401059/posts/E7LqKDxSWWX?_utm_source=1-2-2

Countering the code- https://plus.google.com/116260179700704401059/posts/ZP8afjz8uoY

Ingress Edgar Allan Wright flint dille John Hanke Edgar Allan Wright Project Isthmus Andrew Krug Stein Lightman Operation Essex #ingress #glyphstudies


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