create new future see all

create new future see all

how to draw
* starting in the bottom left corner (point I) we draw a CREATE glyph (I-G-F-E-C), ending in the top right corner (point C). Raising our finger for a moment, we move it towards the adjacent upper right corner of the inner rectangle (point E)
* starting from the upper right corner of the inner rectangle (point E), we draw a NEW glyph (E-H-J), ending in the lower right corner of the grid (point J). Raising our finger for a moment, we leave it hovering over that point.
* starting from the lower right corner of the grid (point J), we draw a FUTURE glyph (J-H-E-C), ending in the upper right corner of the grid (point C). Raising our finger, we move towards the upper left corner of the inner rectangle (point D).
* starting from the upper left corner of the inner rectangle (point D), we draw a SEE glyph (D-A), ending at the upper-most point of the grid (point A). Raising our finger for a moment, we leave it hovering over that point.
* starting from the uppermost point of the grid (point A), we draw the ALL glyph (A-C-J-K-I-B-A or A-B-I-K-J-C-A), ending at the same point at which we started. Raising our finger the last time, the sequence is finished.

In theory, the sequence could've been drawn in many different ways, for example drawing the SEE glyph from top downwards (A-D) and then starting the ALL glyph from point B. But that would result in a longer non-drawing distance as the distance C-D is lower than the sum of the distances between C-A and D-B.

Our finger traveled a distance of 4 units drawing the CREATE glyph, 2 units drawing the NEW glyph, 3 units drawing the FUTURE glyph, roughly 1.73 units drawing the SEE glyph and a whooping 12 units drawing the ALL glyph.

Our finger traveled 1 unit between the CREATE and the NEW glyph and 2.64 units between the FUTURE and SEE glyph. Between the NEW and FUTURE as well as between SEE and ALL there was no movement.

This results in roughly 22.73 units drawing and roughly 3.64 units not drawing which is equivalent to an efficiency of 86.17%


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