clear your mind thought grow

clear your mind thought grow

how to draw
* Starting at the lowest node of the grid (point K), we draw a CLEAR glyph (K->F->A), ending at the top-most node of the grid (point A).
* Raising our finger for a moment but remain at that point (A)
* Starting at the top-most node (point A), we draw a YOUR glyph (A->G->H->A or A->H->G->A), ending at the same point.
* Raising our finger for a moment, we move towards the upper left corner of the inner rectangle (A->D),
* Starting at the upper left corner of the inner rectangle (point D), we draw a MIND glyph (D->G->K->F->D or D->F->K->G->D), ending at the same point we started at.
* Raising our finger for a moment, we move towards the upper right corner of the inner rectangle (D->E)
* Starting at the upper right corner of the inner rectangle (point E), we draw a THOUGHT glyph (E->C->J->H->F->D->B->I->G), ending at the lower left corner of the inner rectangle (point G).
* Raising our finger for a moment, we remain at that node (G)
* Starting at the lower right corner of the inner rectangle (point G), we draw a GROW glyph (G->D->I) ending in the lower right corner of the grid (point I).

There are many different methods to draw this sequence. I'd like to point out two alternatives today as they are somewhat similar in efficiency (but not as good as the one described before). Starting at Point A, drawing the CLEAR glyph downwards, then moving either to Point G or H, drawing the YOUR glyph from there and then either remaining (in case of point G) or moving to Point F (in case of H), drawing a MIND glyph from there and then moving to point E from there and continuing as described in detail. Both of these have a total non drawing distance of 3.73.

The variant described in detail does not require movement between CLEAR and YOUR, requires a distance of 2.64 between YOUR and MIND, again a distance of 2.64 between MIND and THOUGHT and no movement between THOUGHT and GROW, resulting in a non drawing distance of 3.46.

Drawing the CLEAR glyph requires a distance of 4 units, YOUR requires a distance of roughly 7.02 units, MIND requires 5.73 units, THOUGHT requires a whooping 10 units and grow requires 2.73 units, resulting in a total drawing distance of 29.48.

This then results in a maximum potential efficiency of 89.48% for this sequence.


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