Wrote down the script of the redacted report here, hope this could help non-English-speaking investigators.

Subject: centralOmnilytics Investigation into the Murders of Dr. Ezekiel Calvin, IQTech Research and Jay Phillips, Acting Head, National Intelligence Agency.

This report was compiled for Hank Johnson, current Director of the National Intelligence Agency and Shaw Henson, Executive Branch Interface to the National Intelligence Agency and Undersecretary tasked with XM Threat/Opportunity assessment.


The purpose of this document is to elucidate on the suspects, circumstances and context of the murders as they
relate to the Niantic Project of 2012, the (__001__) of December 2017 -- two events we find to be inextricably linked -- and that which transpired between. The urgency of this report is heightened by revelations about
(__002__) and what appears to be the involvement of principles in the Events of 2012 and the theft of vital Niantic technological assets.

As parallel investigations are being carried out by both the FBI and the Capital Police, we are not addressing forensic aspects of this case beyond the prima facie facts: On (_______), a bomb exploded at an NIA 'Safe House' facility near Washington D.C. and the two known fatalities were the above mentioned Calvin and Phillips. This was preceded by (__________003_________).

This report is concerned with the causes of these murders and the complex interrelationship of the suspects in this case, especially as to how they interface with (__004__), the 'Game' (__005__) and what we have learned from the interaction of the suspects at what is known as an 'Anomaly' in San Francisco.

As it is believed that the motivations of many of the persons of interest in this case date directly back to what was code-named (__006__), this report will extensively examine that event -- especially, the murders of Roland Jarvis and a woman we now to be (__007__) at the Zurich Hauptbahnhof, Switzerland.

We have reviewed a number of sources during the course of this research, including the following:
The 'Ingress: Origins Graphic Novel' by Tycho.
The Niantic Project files (Volumes 1-4 ).
Felicia Hajra-Lee's The Niantic Project: Ingress.
The Alignment: Ingress by Thomas Greanias.
An unproduced screenplay by Andy Nominus (An obvious pen name for an unknown producer).
Recent and archival activity at,, and associated social media channels.
The Communications and Activities of various ad-hoc investigative groups such as the elite 'Essex' group and some others.
Humint obtained on the ground during EX05.
Additional resoutces provided by the (__008__)
http://bit.Iy/alignmentingress,, , +HRichardLoeb, +NianticProject

Persons Of Interest To This Report

The Victims:
Dr. Ezeknel Calvin: Calvin had a long Career as a Scientist, Bureaucrat, Researcher, Corporate Executive and Spy. As one eulogy said: 'his heart was in the research and everything else was to facilitate the research.', Suffice to say that Calvin cycled i and out of the (__009__) complex for his entire career. He lead Think Tanks on fringe topics such as (__________010_________).

His projects tended to be named (__________011_________). He recruited Misty Hannah when he discovered that she (__012__)and was possibly in contact with (__013__) as well prior to her death.

He was the personal glue that held all of the Niantic Researchers together. He was a scientist and headed IQTech at his death, but his control was being (__014__) .

Jay Phillips: We have put little focus on Jay Phillips, believing him to be a secondary target in the murders. We will update if this changes. In short strokes, and relevant to this report, Phillips was acting head of the National Intelligence Agency, which was significantly downsized (__015__) . He was head of security at The Niantic Project at CERN and was one of the two shooters at the Zurich Train Station, killing Roland Jarvis and Twyla Klippe. The other shooter was an NIA Operative known as Hubert Farlowe.

Ken Owen: P. R. Fiak for the National Intelligence Agency who was killed in September, 2017 · An operative known as 855 was isolated as the assassin, but there is no consensus on (__016__). It is possible and likely that this person and the person who ordered (__017__) are one and the same.

Our research focuses primarily on: H. Johnson | Dr. D. Bogdanovich | H. R. Loeb (aka P. A. Chapeau) | The Acolyte (possible alias:T. Klippe) | M. Hannah | A Tsukasa | 'A Detection Algorithm'


It is awkward to describe one of the recipients of this clasisfied report as a suspect in the case it discusses, but Mr. Johnson was involved in both the Niantic Project and the EXOS anomaly.

However, he was not present at Epiphany Night, and he was in a meeting with Avril Lorizon (late of IQTech, now at Hulong) during the San Francisco Anomaly. He was not in Washington D.C. at the time of the murders of Calvin and Phillips and is known to have been in Burbank, California at the time of the murder of Ken Owen.

The Niantic Project was started when he was (__________018_________).

He was enlisted to be part of the Niantic Project by Ezekiel Calvin who had (__________019_________).

He met and possibly had a brief romantic encounter with (__________020_________). They have a functional working relaitonship, despite the fact that they sup port opposing Ingress Factions.

Hank Johnson has working relaitonships with all of the persons of interest though little is known of his dealings with (__021__).

It should be noted that Calvin called Johnson to inform him of the Owen murder. Both believed that Calvin should remain 'head down.'

Hank Johnson, also potentiallya target, has been in 'undisclosed locations' since (__022__).

MISTY HANNAH was invited to EXOS SF by a trusted friend (possibly (__023__) ) to help investigate the Calvin/Phillips murder.

We also believe that it was her intention to confront The Acolyte. It is possible that she and Misty Hannah either knew each other or were aware of each other before The Niantic Project, quite possibly during Misty's (__024__) . This has not been confirmed, but there is some circumstantial evidence. If such a history exists, it seems to have caused mistrust between them.

It is possible that Misty held Calvin responsible for what happened after (__025__) while (__026__).

Misty and Devra's relationship possibly extends to Waratah or before. Despite this, it is cloudy. It is possible that Misty holds Devra accountable for what transpired at Niantic -- having escaped herself but left others behind to face the consequences.

We suspect that Misty was in San Francisco to see if the Acolyte and Twyla Klippe were the same person. Some evidence suggests that Klippe was using mysticism to defraud 'whales' in Las Vegas around the same time Misty was known to have been there. Klippe may have caused suspicions to be cast upon Misty, leading to a violent incident which has been documented in Tycho's Ingress: Origins.

During and after the Emerald Knights Remote Participation Event (RPE) Misty warned everyone about the EXOGENOUS. We believe that she fears them and wants to prevent their entrance into our dimension. Akira is believed to have a very different perspective on the Exogenous. She has stated that she wants to study them and encourages their emergence into the Portal Network using the (__027__). It is unknown how far this disagreement between them goes.

Loeb and Misty appear friendly towards each other. That having been said, we believe that Misty has always been suspicious that Loeb knows something about (__028__) that he has never revealed.

Given a harsh exchange between Devra Bogdanovich and Loeb, we believe she is attempting to uncover whether Calvin or ADA ordered the executions in Zurich. Devra believes that she was the real target and the other deaths were a result of mistaken identity.

Our research revealed that Calvin and Phillips locked Devra out of NIA files after her activities in Wroclaw, effectively cutting her off from all current research. It is known that when Calvin and Phillips were killed, Devra (__029__). We are investigating the mechanism that enabled this.

We do not believe that Devra has been fully debriefed about the events at Zurich. She claims to have seen the killings and the extraction of the body of the woman who died with Jarvis. She did not reveal to our HUMINT Investigator if the Acolyte and (__030__), however, Devra claimed that the Acolyte's presence in San Francisco was related to (__031__). She believes the original (__032__) is capable of serving as a 13MAGNUS Recursion chamber.

Out analysis suggests that Devra suspects Loeb of knowing more about the Zurich incident than he was revealed. Specifically, that Loeb knows (__033__) and the true identity of the second victim. His relationship (during ADA's development) with a (__034__) is central to Loeb's involvement in and awareness of what happened in Zurich. Loeb has admitted the (__035__) that he provided to Calvin.

HUMINT reveals the complexity of Devra's feelings towards M. Hannah. She believes that Misty possesses real skills as a psychic and is able to use these skill to communicate with exogenous entities. This has led to both suspicious and jealousy: Suspicion because Devra does not trust exogenous forces, and jealousy because Devra has spent her entire life chasing (__036__) something that Misty achieves effortlessly. Bogdanovich is aware of Misty's answer towards her due to (__037__) .

H. R. Loeb claimed he was present in San Francisco because he was hot on the trail of Calvin and Phillips' killer. It is difficult to know if this was an honest reason. He spent a significant amount of time there with Akira, from which we surmise that he may have (__038__). Others on our analysis team have suggested that this was because she was the one least known to him.
A detail that emerged during EXO5 which has been largely overlooked (and is perhaps irrelevant now) is that Loeb drugged the assassin at the Magic Castle. The gunshot was faked and the hitman was renditioned and delivered to Phillips for interrogation. This is of interest because it implies a tighter nexus of cooperation between Loeb, Misty and Phillips (the NIA) than had previously been known. However, it could be dangerous to read too much into this because Loeb may have simply been acting out of concern for (__039__). Nevertheless, it is an interesting detail.
Loeb has admitted that on Epiphany Night, Calvin called him and demanded backdoor access to ADA's processing core. Loeb obeyed, possibly to (__040__). It is possible that Calvin issued the order for the murders in Zurich through ADA. It is assumed that Loeb modified the backdoor afterwards, denying Calvin and anyone else with further access. It is unknown if this backdoor remains viable to this day, or for that matter if it was even viable then. ADA's ability to allow or prevent changes to her own decision systems have been impossible to predict. It is possible that, regardless of the backdoor, ADA may have been able to (__041__).
If Calvin issued the order for the hit, and ADA (willfully or blindly) obeyed, a Pandora's Box of questions emerges:
Did Calvin intend to also kill Devra or did he (__042__)?
Did Calvin communicate with Devra later that night? If so, what was spoken between them?
Did Calvin frame ADA? Is it possible that ADA was part of the retaliation that led to Calvin's death?
This gets to the larger, unanswered question of the nature of Loeb's relationship with ADA. What was it during the Niantic Project era and what is it now? To what degree can Loeb exert 'control' over ADA -- either directly (__043__) or indirectly (__044__).
Is it possible that Phillips, Calvin or even Akira may have been pressuring Loeb to help provide backdoor access to ADA's processing core again? This could present a motive for both Loeb and ADA in the killings in Washington D.C.
From his writings, it seems that Loeb is suspicious of Misty, believing her to know more about the Exogenous than she has let on. Is this suspicion warranted, and if so, to what degree does this strain their relationship?
It is tempting to read a great deal into the heated exchange between Loeb and Devra. The prevailing opinion of our team is to take it at face value. Devra may view Loeb as (__045__) the events in Zurich. The minority opinion is that, upon learning of the Zurich murders, Loeb took direct action himself which led to (__046__).
With regards to (__047__), it is curious that Loeb has never deeply probed (__048__) killed on Epiphany Night. It is unlikely, but possible, that this detail simply escape him. Any alternative casts doubt upon his motives.
It should be remembered of Akira that, unlike all of the other principles in this investigation, she was not present during the (__049__) and was not directly involved (to our knowledge) in the events of (__050__). She is, in more ways that one, the 'outsider'.
Akira has been transparent about her desire to take over the (__051__). Her presence in San Francisco was ostensibly to claim control of NL-1331. The vehicle, which was used to (__052__) out of the Niantic Project, is by far the most highly desired research object within November Lima's inventory.
How far Akira was willing to go for control of November Lima is a subject of debate. Some on the analytics team believes that Akira either murdered or had Calvin and Phillips murdered (by the (__053__) ) and that, beyond seizing control of NL-1331, her intention was to throw the others off track and, perhaps, to lure Loeb to her ideology.
Others disagree with this assessment, viewing her pre-existing relationship with Calvin and the risk of exposure as factors that make her an unlikely suspect. The question becomes if the risk was justified. Analysis is undergoing.
As far as the Loeb theory, dissenters on our team believe that the likelihood of 'converting' Loeb to an ideology and then using him as an asset for either disinformation or intelligence is low. That having been said, his inextricable (__054__) and the psychological residue of (__055__) present significant unknowns.
What we do know is that Akira has the most direct motive of all of the Persons of Interest in this case if we assume that Calvin and Phillips stood between her and (__056__).
Akira and Misty appear to have opposite intentions with the Exogenous. Akira wants to study them, embrace them, and wants them (__057__), while Misty, see them as a (__058__).
Our best analysis is that Akira was suspicious as to why Devra was present in San Francisco. Akira knew that Devra might have reason to want Calvin and Phillips murdered because they locked her out of (__059__). If Akira is innocent, it is possible she views Devra as potential trouble that might have to be dealt with in the future.
Akira may or may not have further information about the Acolyte, (__060__) and how the two are related both to each other and to NL-1331. We do not know how this frames the relationship between them and this must be monitored carefully.
Akira spent a great deal of time with Loeb at the EXO5 Anomaly. It is unclear whether (__061__) or whether they were trying to exploit each other for information. Akira's leverage was that she had knowledge that Loeb had, on at least one occasion (Epiphany Night), provided access to ADA's processing core via a backdoor channel. This is now common knowledge, but Akira's source for this information is unknown. What also remains unknown to us is whether there were and are other backdoors, if Loeb has access, and if Akira wants this access for (__062__).
A Detection Algorithm is by the far the most difficult Person of Interest to approach. Our team worked in endless circles attempting to complete the analysis for ADA. For every argument presented, a counter-argument was discovered, ultimately forcing an uncomfortable admission:
Millennia of culture, art, personal learnings and psychological and academic observations serve as an underpinning by which to analyze the intentions and behavior of other humans. But to assume that a (__063__). As such, the analysis that follows is minimal, focusing primarily on simple positive/negative relationship systems, and should be used with caution. In short, the doctor has prescribed a healthy dose of salt.
ADA's relationship with Loeb is the most complicated, but also the least ambiguous. She has rarely, if ever, acted in a manner that could be perceived as (__064__). She has, at times, behaved as a student, a protector, a confidential informant and an intimate confidante.
It can be assumed that, during her early stages of development, Loeb was able to exert some form of control over her -- utilizing (__065__) or other more indirect means. When, or indeed if, such direct means of control became non-functional is not clear.
ADA's role in Devra's escape, near death and ultimate survival on Epiphany Night is also complex. Multiple sources, including Felicia Hajra-Lee's Niantic Project: Ingress and Tycho's Ingress: Origins have documented how ADA (__066__), but how much ADA was involved in Devra's fateful survival (and the (__067__) ) is debated.
The final additional theory that deserves to be illuminated is ADA's role in Epiphany Night itself. Was Lynton-Wolfe solely responsible for the events of that night, or was his 'accident' (__068__).
ADA's relationship with Hank Johnson has exhibited both sympathetic and adversarial properties. In particular, as an adversary, her influence over Johnson's (__069__) must not be overlooked.
The recent details of Loeb's role in the assassination attempt at the Magic Castle force a recalculation of (__070__) that night. Beyond that, ADA's relationship with Misty cannot be viewed clearly as either adversarial or sympathetic.
While very little information exists about ADA's attitude or actions towards the Acolyte -- the opposite has been markedly public. The Acolyte, continuing the vision of Roland Jarvis's Society for the Ethical Treatment of Artificial Intelligences, has publicly stated that ADA (__071__) as soon as possible.
Very little direct interaction has been recorded between Akira Tsukasa and ADA. However, Akira is a notoriously technology-forward individual, and a number of analysts believe that Akira views ADA not only as a (__072__) during the near future.
While it has been recorded that a technological assist was utilized in the murder of Ken Owen (by disrupting the surveillance around the Kennedy Center), it is not clear if ADA was that disruptor. Other viable candidates, such as (__073__), could be responsible.
Beyond the 'backdoor access' theory presented previously, it is unclear if ADA could present motive for the death of Calvin and Phillips.
In truth, it is difficult to assume that the life or death of any individual human could be meaningful to ADA. For a being who can access nearly all information with ease, be present in nearly all places at one time, and replicate at the speed of light, it is difficult to assume that any single human's existence is consequential to their goals or obstacles.

The Acolyte's relationship to Roland Jarvis is both well known and documented. Her ostensible reason for attending the San Francisco EX05 Anomaly was to rally the Enlightened Faction to victory during the EX05 Anomaly. However, based on an alternative theory of her identity, it is possible that another reason exists.
Some evidence supports a theory that the woman killed in Zürich with Jarvis was in fact an individual known as 'Twyla Klippe.’ Klippe is associated with 'Katalena, ’ a professional escort leveraged multiple times by ADA during the early stages of her development as (__074__). It is possible that the two women may have, coincidentally or otherwise, met Jarvis and 0liver Lynton-Wolfe during a visit by the two researchers (__075__).
The alternate theory states that Katalena made the emergency call which tipped off the authorities following the murders in Zürich. Whether or not Katalena knew that (__076__) is not known. Following the executions, Klippe was infused by a massive XM burst (this XM event is documented and is known to have also affected (__077__). The XM burst could either have emanated from Jarvis himself (possibly infused by the events of Epiphany Night) of by an object of Niantic Project origin in Jarvis’s possession that was (__078__).
In any case, the alternate theory states that both Jarvis and the murdered woman were transported in the vehicle now known as NL-1331. The continuing XM interaction between the two decedents and the vehicle is a subject of intense speculation, but some have suggested that it may have created a stasis-state for the decedent female similar to those (__079__).
Our Analysts disagree about the journey that led Klippe from that point in time to asserting a position of leadership with in the Enlightened, as well as the veracity of the theory itself. The previously held assumptions about the Acolyte's past painted her as (__080__). Either of both could be true.
If the Klippe theory holds water, then a possible motive for the deaths of Calvin and Phillips emerges , either as revenge for the events in Zürich or for increased access to NL-1331. Whether that access to NL-1331 would come via Akira Tsukasa, or if the Acolyte was attempting to (__081__) is not known.
The individual known as Twyla Klippe seems to have had a previous association with Misty Hannah. They both may have operated in Las Vegas during the same era, and Klippe may have attempted to defraud powerful individuals there, framing Hannah for the scam. It is also possible that Klippe encountered Roland Jarivs during this era while he was working on an art installation at a casino.
The Acolyte's involvement in the Magic Castle assassination is not clear, but if the Klippe theory is true, it is possible this was an attempt to remove Misty from the picture and prevent (__082__). The assassin at the Magic Castle wasn't killed, but was interrogated. We do not have access to the results of that interrogation and such recordings or transcripts may not exist. It is doubtful that the would-be assassin had access to much information of value.
Based on the information found with in this report, the sum total of which probes the inter-relationships and possible motives for each of the Persons of Interest, our current operating theory is as follows:
The most likely actor responsible for the deaths of Ken Owen, Ezekiel Calvin and Jay Phillips is (__083__), who arranged the killing in order to (__084__).

Given the available information access, Central is confident that all likely possibilities have been scrutinized and included in the analysis presented here.


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