Reviving Klue and Susanna: A Theory

Reviving Klue and Susanna: A Theory

Yea...kind of a weird title. But hear me out for a sec.

I think it can be done. Here's how.

We know that Klue and Susanna have traveled the world. We know they've interacted with dozens of Portals. I believe there's a way to harness those Portals to revive them.

When Hank Johnson was a simulacrum and facing his Recursion, he called on Agents to obtain vital memories from his past and unite them at Cross Plains, TX(

"I've always postulated that with every Portal we visit we leave an echo of ourselves behind. Now I need that echo from around the world to reach Cross Plains."

Hypothetically, if Agents embarked on a global mission to link various key Portal locations in the lives of Susanna and Klue to Geneva, where the ruined Techulhu that consumed them lay, and then a Primal Object was used to craft simulacrum vessels for them would it work?

I think it could. But I'm not sure.

H. Richard Loeb, what do you think? I know the two of you had a rather....unique relationship? Would you be interested in this?


  1. Btw, here are Klue's locations:

    Magic Castle, L.A.
    Ground Kontrol, Portland, OR(SaveKlue/Persepolis)
    Parthenon, Nashville TN
    Boston, MA
    Cupid’s Span, San Francisco, CA
    Santa Monica, CA
    Charleston, SC, USA
    Las Vegas, NV
    Los Angeles, CA

    Bueno Aires, Argentina

    Ishinomaki, JP

    William Wallace Monument, Stirling Scotland

    Hamburg, Germany

  2. I thought the same for a while. Fits with the emergence of the help us save us sequence that appeared when they enterd the network.

  3. I've got you covered here in Nashville Mustafa Said​. Just let me know what you wish to do

  4. Interesting idea Mumu, we should try this!

  5. I like it, I've been asking for them to bring sussana back (because the ingress report was 👌👌👌), so this could be a good excuse to do it XD

  6. But, wasn't Klue seen recently in the RPE? Regardless that.

    About your theory, I'm convinced this is posible, specially on Klue's case, as part of her is still on ADA's

    My main problem with this is if it's something they would agree to, with so little information about what exactly happened to them, we risk, extracting them for paradise, against their will.

    So, yeah, this probably work, but are we sure we should try it?


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