I decided to look further into the Self Destruction sequence and the other Glyphs around it.

I decided to look further into the Self Destruction sequence and the other Glyphs around it.

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa

Countering The Code: Carries Glyphs Sequence Study

JoJo Stratton​​​ made an interesting comment and question about the death sequence on H. Richard Loeb​​​ s post on my previous study.

Many glyphs/word contructs in this language have an opposite form to connect to an opposite meaning or to provide balance (like civilization and nature). What is the opposite/balance to this sequence?

This of course made me wonder myself... And with Operation Essex​​​ 's help we jumped into the past. There were alot of Glyphs involved in 2013 so I have to separate different parts of this study through multiple posts. I hope you will read them all!

In some of H. Richard Loeb​​​ s recent posts of the Self Destruction code, he shared the picture of Carrie Campbell​​​ s dead body covered in Glyphs.


It was Carries belief she needed to sacrifice herself in this way to stop the Self Destruction sequence and save civilization. That would have likely required a sequence to counteract it or null and void it, meaning the Glyphs on herself were likely not random. Looking over only her body though, doesn't paint a clear picture of the sequence she used. Instead you have to look past Loebs cropped picture of Carrie to find the original image and see the Glyphs on the ground next to her. That post can be seen below.


In the lower left corner are a set of Glyphs that seem to make a sequence. I decided to look further into this sequence like i did the Self Destruction code to determine if this was in fact the counter code..

Open/Accept-All Avoid Enlightenment Destroy Self Save Future.

Resistance Resistance Resistance

Secondary Glyphs

After, All, Answer, Barrier, Body, Live/Breathe, Change, Chaos, Clear, Clear-All, Complex, Danger, Data, Destiny, Destination, Discover, Distance/Outside, Easy, End, Follow, Harm, Harmony/Peace, Have, Help, Hide, Ignore, Difficult, Improve, Journey, Less, Lose, More, New, Not/Inside, Potential, Pure, Pursue, React, Repair/Recharge, Restraint, See, Sustain, Sustain-All, Use, Weak, Soul, Signal, Call, Response, N'zeer, and Simulcra

The composition of this sequence makes me believe that like many other glyphs, this Sequence was given to Carrie and she was told to use it. I do not believe that Carrie made this glyph sequence herself as the complexity of this sequence is similar to the ones we receive in our scanners. Even A Detection Algorithm​​​ sequences didn't fit the same structure of our Glyphs so it is hard for me to believe Carrie was able to create a sequence like this in a time of panic. That being said, I believe who ever made this sequence would know how to manipulate Carries mind and did it well because they knew she would identify specific glyphs that build this sequence.

Destiny, pure, peace, improve, help, save, repair, sustain, call, response, live, follow. If she identified these Glyphs and applied them to the message I could very clearly see her taking the message the way she did. She needed to use her body and soul to help and save her civilizations future. It was her destiny and it would destroy or end the danger to the ones she loved. The intent would be pure and would bring harmony and peace as Well/Attack and Conflict did not compose this sequence. It didn't have to either because it's my believe war wasn't the goal of this sequence but survival was. So of course, it would be structured in a way that would mostly avoid the Glyphs that could be taken negatively.

Even the Glyphs that could be taken negatively like end, danger, harm, clear, restraint, and destroy/destruction could have easily been overlooked because of the Glyphs not present in the sequence. They could have easily been misunderstood and interpreted as supporting glyphs to the more positive ones. Simply making it seem like the only danger and harm to worry about would be allowing the other sequence to be released without barriers or restraint. With an unstable mind, Carrie would probably not have been able to acknowledge nor believe that this sequence was anything more than a way to save her civilization...

The problem is though... Civilization is again not present.

Human, mind, you, us, them. Any other Glyphs indicating our civilization are not present. Enlightened and Resistance are because they are the main subjects of conflict in this sequence but again it does not discuss human civilization. In fact this sequence is only one line shy of making civilization, mind, and human. To me, I see this as purposeful..

This sequence obviously doesn't follow our scanner rules so adding one other glyph would have been easy. Since the sequence seems to be faction based it would have been appropriate to add a glyph like Lie after Enlightenment or even Strong after or before Resistance. Resistance I think is suppose to actually say Resist but it would have still made sense to add one other glyph to make the message clearer....

But they didn't and the glyphs they didn't allow to compose this sequence do not seem like a coincidence to me. Mind and human are missing because if the storyline is correct Carrie was losing her sanity. Civilization I feel is missing because as I pointed out in my first study, I do not believe the Self Destruction code was aimed for our civilization and thus a code to counteract it wouldn't either.

This sequence is only missing two of the Glyphs that would have composed the Self Destruction sequence which are War/Attack and Begin. That again I believe is because this sequence wasn't focussed on War but survival. The Self Destruction sequence was going to destroy something, I speculate a signal or connection, and at this point this sequence looks like its damage control. They couldn't stop it entirely but they could stop parts of it.... But who was they?

Like the self destruction sequence there is a subject in here that once again wouldn't be brought up for a year after Carries believed sacrifice, N'zeer. How they fit into this I can only guess but not confirm... Either way they are once again present which solidifies my belief that they were involved in the events around Cassandra without anyone truly knowing. Or maybe they did?

Maybe Jarvis knew the sequence wouldn't in fact harm our civilization but stop communication with another. Maybe Carrie did know to some extent what she was doing... Again, I can't confirm this but theres one other glyph I want to point out and that's one that Lightman would name a year later as well, Simulacrum/Simulacra

Carrie may have not truly died in this event. With the help of Mario Valenzuela II​​​ Catalina Reyes​​​ and Mustafa Said​​​ i was provided the information to support this. In fact it's possible her Simulacra died in this event as she would later be discovered in a recursion pod and when she tried to learn about her death she would find no evidence of the glyphs on her body. This is logged in Felicia's Exotic Matters Blog and along with Hanks statement in 2015 where he stated he couldnt find her body after her sacrifice. I believe it points to the possibility it was infact her Simulacrum that sacrificed itself and that is supported with the glyph for Simulcra within the sequence structure.

Who ever sent this sequence for Carries Simulcra to use, knew what she was. Maybe this was needed to counter the self destruction code. Maybe it was their way to make the situation right in their own minds because they weren't truly driving a human to kill themselves, just a Simulacrum. Maybe there's a deeper meaning we have yet to come across... What do you think?

These are all just my opinions and is in no way the complete truth until proven differently. I would love to hear others opinions on this sequence and whether or not you believe it could be the counter sequence to the Self destruction code. I personally feel it was just damage control and that in some way the Nzeer were involved but there were many Glyphs that came out at this time that were greatly overlooked. It's possible my opinion will change through these studies only time will tell.

Feel free to comment and as always agents! Continue Glyphing!!

JoJo's question is in the comment thread here

Lightmans Simulcra study

Original Carrie Death Post

Felicia's Blog

My Self Destruction analysis

Ingress​​​ Hank Johnson​​​ Edgar Allan Wright​​​ flint dille​​​ Andrew Krug​​​ Hank Johnson​​​ Project Isthmus​​​ #ingress #glyphstudies #cassandra


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