Finally got some thoughts down on this study and discussion we had in TG.

Finally got some thoughts down on this study and discussion we had in TG.

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa

Exo 5 Study 1: Coin and Logo

An anonymous source informed me, right after the first #Exo5 anomaly, that the coin handed out to agents had glyph fragments in it. It of course, was a thought that had already been there among many of us glyphers and investigators but no one had taken the time at first to identify what possible glyphs could be in the coin. With some confirmation there were glyphs possibly hidden i also decided to look at the logo for Exo5 itself as well, since i also believed there were some glyphs present in it.

This study actually took a lot longer to finish then i had planned, because when i brought it to Operation Essex there was a discussion on how to interpret the possible glyphs in these designs. The coin and logo have many different sets of lines, so it was hard not just to line them up on the grid that is currently in our scanners but to also explain why i could see some glyphs that others hadnt. I had a large amount of help from +Project Lycaeum and +Operation Essex with this study, because they both challenged me and helped me in seeing what glyphs they saw and how they saw them. It took awhile, and a lot of different sets of notes to finally figure out how i could present this.

This isnt as pretty as some of my studies, but i think it at least shows how fluid this study was and still is, because it can still change and is certainly not seen the same in others eyes.

Coin and Logo Base
There are multiple pictures here that need explanation so im going to start with the first set which is the page that has both the physical coin and logo patch in it and the one where i hand drew these logos . In this part of the study i did my best to identify the lines themselves, drawing out the obvious patterns that could be seen. I did not use the glyph grid to determine which glyphs they were because like i had said before, it is debatable whether or not the coin and logo have multiple grids on them. So, from there i took what lines looked like glyphs and simply put down which ones they looked like. Some had multiple possibilities and i could not rule out that it was one or the other...

The Base glyphs i decided to identify for this part of the study are these

All, Future, Past, Less, Body, Live/Breathe, Self/individual, Discover, Destination, Path, Barrier, Distance/Outside, Easy, Accept/Open, Forget, Ignore, Clear/Close

There were three other glyphs but one is technically agent named by Achim in his study here

The others i will talk a little about after this next part.....

Exo5 Coin and Logo Glyphs
After identifying the basics i did exactly what i do with the all my sequence studies, i placed them all on a single grid together. Why? because i wanted to identify all the secondaries, or composition glyphs of this logo. Not surprisingly there is a lot of them but getting to look into them showed that it is very possible the ones chosen were purposeful..... They can all be seen on pg 5 but if you dont want to look i have of course provided a list for those who cant read my writing.

Abandon, After, All, Answer, Barrier, Before, Human, Body, Breathe/Live, Change, Chaos, Clear/Close, Clear/Close-all, Complex, Consequence, Contemplate, Create, Creativity/Thought/Idea, Destination, Destiny, Destory, Deteriorate, Die/Death, Difficult, Discover, Distance/Outside, East, Equal, Escape, Evolution/Success/Progress, Failure, Forget, Future, Civilization, Have, Help, Ignore, Imperfect, Improve, Impure, Intelligence, Interrupt, Interrupt-All, Journey, Lead, Less, Lie, Mind, More, Nature, New, Not/Inside, Nourish, Old, Open/Accept, Open/Accept-All, Past, Path, Perfection/Balance, Potential, Presence, Present/Now, Pure, Pursue/Chase, React, Recharge/Repair. Restraint, Search, Self/Individual, Separate, Share, Simple, Soul, Stability/Stay, Strong, Sustain, Sustain-All, Technology, Together, Truth, Want/Desire, We/Us, Weak, Xm.. Unknowns

My thoughts are this-

After looking through the base and secondary glyphs, theres not a doubt in my mind that they are purposeful. Why is this my belief? Because of the glyphs that are not present. Ones that i think would be important to be present for any other anomaly, besides this one. Enlightenment, Resistance, Shapers, N'zeer, War/attack, Defend, Advance, Retreat, See, Pursue, Gain, Lose, Use, them, Rebel, Message, Liberate, Fear, Courage, grow, conflict, Adapt, Save, Question, Capture. There are more but these ones in particular are important. Why? Because these are the glyphs we get before Anomalies. These are glyphs that represent us and what happens in anomalies. They are glyphs that support sequences that promote our fighting and are used mostly to rally us against each other. Of course the others can be used in similar fashion and have been, but when we discuss what an anomaly is, what glyphs are the ones most prominent? We obviously fight in anomalies against each other, so it would make sense for those glyphs to be in an anomaly where we are... So why were these glyphs absent in these designs? I think its because that isnt what this anomaly was about. It was never about us fighting each others factions.... Yes, to some extent that is what we did in the anomaly but look at the storyline of this one.

Exo5 had some rewards for the whatever side won, it also wasnt completely focused on the factions fighting with each other. Most of this anomaly has been about a murder mystery, the focus being figuring out not just who killed Calvin, Phillips, and Owen but why. The entire anomaly during the second day had been about bringing people who benefited from the deaths out in the open. We were specifically told in San Francisco to question everyone there, not really told what else we needed to fight for. Even after the anomaly, we are still trying to figure out these deaths and there has been little said about what factions won here.

Going further into this, something else also happened. A Detection Algorithm came in contact with something the second day, many of us believe it was the Exogenous. There are multiple videos of her having a discussion with something that joins her. Again, something we didnt fight over, or change by winning sites.

Conflict, War, and all of the glyphs that represent our normal anomalies werent honestly present in the actions and story that surrounded this anomaly when it came to us and our factions. So what was? Exogenous....

I feel more than ever that the glyph fragments on this coin were the Exogenous's first attempt at contacting Us. Not enlightenment, not Resistance, not Shapers, and not N'zeer but Us. Why? I dont know that yet but i think the two last glyphs i highlight here may help some one in figuring out why.

Two glyphs surprisingly popped out in this study and are a reminder to me that everything is connected. These Glyphs are from Krakow Document from back in 2014 after Interitus and right before Helios. Stein Lightman did not go into much detail on the one he claims was crossed out, but he believed it was for a reason. As if to say stop, do not go further with that glyph. The second is well known for being called or possibly representing a dragon. Its also present in our scanners under our avatar glyphs, but Lightman went into much more detail on this one, stating he believed the glyph represents the reason fear exists.

Why are these two glyphs hidden deep within these designs? I cant help but wonder how purposeful these designs are... How strategically they avoided the common glyphs for our anomalies, and held these two glyphs within them.... I cant even begin to imagine or speculate how these glyphs come into play when it comes to the Exogenous or the Murders Exo5 was surrounded by and i could be digging far further than i need to but that is what any investigator does.

My word is not truth or fact, its my opinion and like any opinion i hope it causes a spark that lights the path before us or leads us down another that is closer to the truth. I look forward to what others have to say on this, i love having discussions on these glyphs! Ill be doing four more Exo5 glyph studies on Ada's messages later on that will maybe bring some light or support her messages. As always agents, continue glyphing!

Lightmans Studies

Ingress John Hanke Andrew Krug H. Richard Loeb Misty Hannah Devra Bogdanovich Edgar Allan Wright flint dille #exo5 #glyphstudies


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