OERPG - Online Essex Remote Participation Game Session 008.5 Log

OERPG - Online Essex Remote Participation Game Session 008.5 Log

Ever wonder what a Magnus talks about in their down time? It seems the dear doctor may want to keep a better eye on those he has involved in the past RPEs.

This weeks main RPE was followed by a smaller on the fly instance run by Mario Valenzuela II last night. All of us felt the call of our characters to have another less threatening and fun RPE that revealed some insight on how they were all affected by what had happened to them. It seems steady friendships have grown with quite a few nicknames and jokes. The conversation between everyone was interesting and leaves us with a lot to think about so i present to you this transcript of the night! I hope you enjoy Enter The Party Magnus as much as we did!

Our Patrons run these sessions online to enable as many participants as possible. If you are interested in joining these and the more serious RPEs, feel free to message our group and Patrons Kosh TheRipper and Mario Valenzuela II Times are fluid because things can change!

Ingress John Hanke Edgar Allan Wright flint dille H. Richard Loeb Andrew Krug Chiplander Operation Essex



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