Dear Essexians

Dear Essexians,

I have been silent for quite some time, because of reasons you might or might not get to know later. But since the new round of anomalies was announced, I was also preparing to continue my work on "ThirdEye".

Some of you have heard about it, because they are participating in this round already. On the outside, "ThirdEye" is a simple competition. You submit your predictions about the winning faction of each anomaly site together with your G+-Name or IGN in the survey you find down here in this post. The rules are explained there, too - so there's no need to delve into them here.

But as we all know: In the world of XM, nothing is as it seems. "ThirdEye" is actually an experiment about the possibility of forseeing the future. I wanted to know whether there are sensitive agents out there who can interact with XM in that way.

The results of Via Lux Day 2 and Via Noir were quite encouraging. There was a group of 4-5 agents who fared well on both occasions. Alas, the number of anomalies (17 so far) where my experiment was conducted was way too small to show anything significant statistically. No anomalies took place since Via Noir, so I had no chance to broaden my base. But now another 18 anomalies will take place over the course of 4 weeks and the same group of agents have already submitted their predictions. If Essex is interested, I will keep you updated with my results.

H. Richard Loeb​ Hank Johnson​ Edgar Allan Wright​

Originally shared by Andreas Decker (thedeacon1972)

The anomalies are only two and a half weeks away. The rules are set. Many of us are in the midst of preparations for the journey to the anomaly sites. Others have not made their minds up whether to go or not and many may not be able to participate at all. But all Ingress agents regardless of faction or "anomaly state" are welcome to my competition "ThirdEye".

Show that you have the Third Eye and participate in my competition! Predict the winning faction by submitting your G+-Name or IGN and your predictions into the following survey:

For each correct prediction one point is awarded. The winner is the agent with the most points. Should two or more agents be tied on points, Lady Luck will decide the winner. If you want to change your predictions after submitting, just re-submit. But only your last prediction will count towards the result. The deadline for your predictions is Aug 25th, 12:00 UTC. And last, but not least:


The survey is ready for your answers. Agents of the world, start predicting now!

PS: Feel free to join my community for regular updates:


  1. Andreas Decker I've always found your work extremely brilliant, and this perspective on the project as a study of the possibility of seeing in the future perceived through the increase of the skills provided and made to grow through exotic matter is simply brilliant.
    Really impressive. Illuminating.

    My most sincere congratulations for your work.


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