Call for Participants for an Online Essex Remote Participation Game Session

Call for Participants for an Online Essex Remote Participation Game Session

This session is going to be on this coming Sunday, August 13th. Time for this session will be revealed closer to the date! This session is being run by the amazing Mario Valenzuela II

While Resistance and Enlightened agents were busy battling to control the Shonin Anomaly and Devra Bogdanovich’s fate; a select few found themselves in a race against time to retrieve an exogenous artifact from deep within the Shadow’s of Shonin.

If you would like take part, *message me directly on Telegram at my agent handle. We do transcribe these sessions and make the read through available for public consumption after we're complete.

Looking forward to having you there!

To get some things out there in the open before the session goes live:

1) We host these on Telegram
2) These are entirely online.
3) Telegram grants us the ability to use a dice bot, so you won't need physical dice!
4) We keep these sessions PG-13
5) These are not serial sessions. Your character will begin and end (alive if we're lucky) with this session.
6) Prepare to devote at least 3 hours to us.
7) We do not allow, nor do we encourage use of the Ingress main characters within these sessions. [ This is so that there are no further confusions with characters and we can have a fresh start with every session ]
And the most important bit
8) Be prepared to have a good time!

Come find out what's happening within the Shadow of Shonin

Edgar Allan Wright​​ flint dille​​ John Hanke​​ Ethan Lepouttre​​ Andrew Krug​​ Anne Beuttenmüller​​ Chiplander​​ H. Richard Loeb

We have complied an ever growing Essex Open Rules supplement to complement the rules that we were able to recover from Navarro.
You can read this document here, as it was written by myself and +Mario Valenzuela II​​


  1. YES PLEASE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Save me some jerky!!!!!

  2. Does one need a solid grasp of previous sessions to participate?

  3. Nope but it does give you an idea of how some players play, but it's not required

  4. Ariel Diana​ there is no jerky in this one; but there are Pina coladas and fruity drinks.

  5. Wooohoooo!!!! But what about rule #7????? grumbles about the words "almost all" being used and hopes Mario Valenzuela II​ didn't see them

  6. Ariel Diana​no you can not be H. Richard Loeb​, Susanna Moyer​ or Stella victory or whatever her name was. IF Hank Johnson​ decides he wants to throw his shades onto the table he will have to roll up a character and hope his actions doesn't affect the lives of anyone.

  7. Mario Valenzuela II pffftttt you know only true investigators venture where others fear to tread. You know we will NOT be seeing H. Richard Loeb​, Hank Johnson​, or any other so called investigator throwing their hat or shades onto the table with us. No matter what we do either in an RPE or in ORW we have an effect on anyone and everyone, so why not do what we can to try and insure we help to make the future a better place for all involved, be they Resistance, Enlightened, Awakened or Mundane.

  8. One thing I do hope is that hank decides not to throw some shade once again. 😂

  9. Well maybe not throwing them AT a person but he could ATLEAST toss them into the table and see what ee are doing for himself before trying to pass judgement on those brave enough to go where he will not.

  10. I should probably add that I would allow characters from #ViaObscura to be reused.


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