About a week ago Edgar Allan Wright asked a question that had many of us guessing what it meant.

About a week ago Edgar Allan Wright asked a question that had many of us guessing what it meant. "Touched by the Lima"
Seems quite obvious. Lima, Peru, an ancient civilization, the Incas and a mysterious oracle called Limaq. Or was it something more simple. Lima Lab where +kureze worked the night of the Epiphany. Or, perhaps simpler still. November Lima.
After some searching, I think I can answer Edgar's question.
There is a river in Portugal that is called Limia River(Lima in Portuguese.) When the Romans saw this river, they identified it with the mythical river Lethe. One of the 5 rivers of the underworld.
Now this was a strange river to me, as I had only ever heard of the river Styx, so I went looking. And I can confirm that there are 5 rivers: The Styx(the river of hatred), The Acheron(river of pain), The Phlegethon(river of fire), The Cocytus(river of wailing), the Oceanus(the oceans we know now) and the Lethe.
(This is where the Edgar Allan Wright's question gets answered)
The Lethe is the river of forgetfulness. those that drink for this river are said to forget their earthly lives and may enter the Elysium fields. So to be touched by the Lima in this sense means that you have forgotten that which you needed to know

flint dille
Hank Johnson
Misty Hannah
Tycho C.
Project Isthmus


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