Misty Hannah

Misty Hannah

A great starting point for reflection that I feel I share with you and who I personally consider to be valid.

Originally shared by Ancient Origins

For a long time, Loki, the Trickster of #Norse #mythology, has been demonized as a figure of evil. But is he really so? Many mythologies speak about beings that are neither good, nor evil, entities of neutrality or mythological figures meant to maintain the balance of the Universe. This article explains how #Loki could be exactly one such entity.


  1. And seen Loki as baring a close resemblance to Lugh from Celtic lore in this respect. And yes. I think both remind my of Misty (or Misty of them both) even beyond the pure archetype.

  2. As we have hypothesized some time ago on Essex chat, it is possible, even in the light of reflections like these, that other people - other scholars - also agree with other more articulated fields than the history / mythology of Ingress, that there is a bond between beings (I will not specify human, because it seems reductive to do so in our field) that share the same archetype.
    A bond that does not endure through time, space, or different cultures, as if all were connected through a "something" (which can very well be exotic matter).


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