Glyph Sequence: Help Us Save Us Destroy

Glyph Sequence: Help Us Save Us Destroy

Secondary glyphs listed are glyphs found in each individual glyph of the sequence before combining all glyphs. Tertiary glyphs listed are glyphs that can be created when combining all the glyphs in the full sequence.

Secondary Glyphs: Ignore, Lose/Loss, More, Simple, Use

Tertiary glyphs: Complex, React

This was a very difficult one to try and understand. After all someone is wanting help and needing to be saved but where does the "Destroy" come in to play? I had multiple ideas, but here's the 2 that stuck out the most to me: 1) it could be a scrambled message from multiple sources and 2) the source could be asking to be put out of it's misery with something that could be considered a form of "humane euthanasia".

Looking at the secondary and tertiary glyphs didn't help make the main message any clearer, but the glyphs that stood out to me here were Simple and Complex. These make sense to me because this sequence is simply a complex one to me.


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