Glyph Sequence: After Imperfect Human Presence Consequence

Glyph Sequence: After Imperfect Human Presence Consequence

Secondary glyphs listed are glyphs found in each individual glyph of the sequence before combining all glyphs. Tertiary glyphs listed are glyphs that can be created when combining all the glyphs in the full sequence.

Secondary Glyphs: Accept/Open, Equal, Ignore, Improve, Less, No/Not/Absent/Inside, Now/Present, Old, Simple

Tertiary glyphs: Answer, Body, Breathe/Live, City/Civilization/Government/Structure, Complex, Destiny, Destroy/Destruction, Difficult, Easy, Forward-Time/Future, Have, Help, Lie, More, New, React, Search/Seek, Separate, Strong, Technology, Truth, Weak, XM

With all the stuff going on in my life lately, looking at this sequence made me think a little bit about what would be left behind after I go through my whirlwind that is currently my daily life.

Not only that it made me think about what effect our civilization had on the environment. I'm not going to be going on any soapbox rant, but I will say that no matter where you go, who you are or what you do; everyone has an impact on the environment around them. It could be something as simple as holding a door for someone who is elderly, disabled or have their hands full; or something as big as helping to pull someone from a wrecked vehicle.

Looking at the secondary and tertiary glyphs only helped to strengthen the idea that our impact is what we make of it (either positive or negative), as there are several opposites (old/new, more/less, truth/ lie etc.) in these additional glyphs.


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