I received this transcript from an investigator who believes this Intel would be of interest to Operation Essex​​...

I received this transcript from an investigator who believes this Intel would be of interest to Operation Essex​​ minds.

They would have shared it themselves but they are somewhat concerned for their safety as they believe they are one of the #Sensitives in question.

They didn't name their source but I imagine it's a name we'd be familiar with in here. The investigator mentioned they are being followed... 😓

Among the theories/concerns, Catalina Reyes​​, Melissa​​ and Jeff Coleman​ had a few that they shared regarding the potential implications this might have regarding our understanding of the previously-believed duality of #XM.

Niantic Project​​ H. Richard Loeb​​ Edgar Allan Wright​​ #Alignment ☯️


  1. Do, RES will be more creative with an ENL- aligned MAGNUS?

  2. I hadn't seen this before... I have to think a couple of things over...
    It's really interesting though. I'm already poundering some thoughts...

  3. Mmmmm this goes well with my own believes on XM and alignments. I have never believed that Res agents reacted badly to ENL XM (I actually complaint to PAC when he said this). I just tend to think that ENL are more happy-go-lucky about using it... And therefore more addicted to it. But I had no reasons to substain that gut feeling of mine... Until now


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