I've been thinking lately about how or even if XM interacts with the majority of (non-sensitive) human beings, and why cell phones and the "Ingress" interface have played such a large role in the global awareness of XM.

My initial thoughts were "why do you have to be within short range of a portal, with a cell phone"? Presumably something about the cellphone can manipulate the portal. Cellphones operate at a much longer wavelength than would be able to affect a human on a cellular level (other than potentially cooking them, like microwaves). I was kind of stuck along this line of thinking but now I'm wondering if the process of observing XM is causing it to change its behavior, a la quantum physics.

It's a good article, and easily readable. Physics isn't my forte, I'm a biomedical scientist but it has opened a new line of thinking about the interaction of XM and human beings.


  1. It is rather fitting that "quantum physics" is invoked by both materialists and spiritualists as evidence that their worldview is the corrrct one.


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