Is the pic realy changing or haven't i get the point?

Is the pic realy changing or haven't i get the point?


  1. This is photoshop. Shifty triple fs flip to bs nollie fastforward.

  2. This has been published recently, the one from the right

  3. The first one is like i think i saw it the first time (this is from a telegram chat) the second is like its now appears everywhere... Don't have an Idea what happend...

  4. To be correct: The first pic is taken out of the "project Isthmus TG" posted as link to Julia Vivienne Loverdose​ G+ Post... the second is from the post...

  5. Where there was one there will be many...

  6. That's what I meant concerning yesterday post Arturo Sotelo​

  7. If you put it really close to your nose, then pull back with your eyes still out of focus... you don't see anything interesting.

  8. I SAW LOT OF CODE. But i ask PA... why do you give that to agents... regardless...
    This is intentional. And i fear these intentions not to be good for us all.

  9. Let us not forget that we believe it was H. Richard Loeb​ who we believe was the person standing in front of the Tecthulu in this post:

    With this image also coming from H. Richard Loeb​ could it be possible that he is partially responsible for the what has become of the machine? Perhaps he is working with Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ in creating more than one Tecthulu?

    One has to question.

  10. You remember all those lines in the image from the Seoul briefcase? Like lines to do mirror operations on the image.

  11. Indeed, Ralph Födisch​, the decomposition I did yesterday wasn't perfect. I could get rid of the overlapping shadows and the result looked rather confusing.

    I have news on this subject though. I re-iterate my algorithm. Here are new better results:

  12. I cant not see a strange similitude with the ABADN machine.


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