Find below my latest Research on glyphs and their antonyms.

Find below my latest Research on glyphs and their antonyms.

Stein Lightman Edgar Allan Wright


  1. I have my doubts about the horizontal reflection, the example could be vertical too, and in that case the remember and embrace could be inverted because you could use middle point reflection...

  2. I´m not above admitting a mistake. +Jaime is right about the example. I will correct it and use another one.

  3. Andreas Decker​ maybe the episode MYSTERY could be interesting for you too.

  4. What #mystery is showing is that rhe axe of symmetries does not have to be lying centered. Nice works Achim S. and Andreas Decker.

    This aligns perfectly to my last ideas on these pictures of the techulu.

  5. Achim S. Interesting points are made there. Let me ponder on this for a while.

  6. Andreas Decker​ the duality that we can see in some glyphs is really fascinating.

    There are some episodes posts that are published to this objective's study.

    What is really intriguing is the pattern of duality we can see in the glyphs and in the techthulu poem.

  7. There is much you can say about a group of people studying their language. The same way you can tell "ICE" is really important from Skimos from the fact that they have 100 words for differente tones of white and blue it should be possible to analize Shapers psicology by their language. Is there any work about this so far?

  8. Juan Pedro Peralta​​​ It's a good idea, but it's difficult to do an ethnolinguistic analysis with so little language data to work with. We're probably not looking at the Shapers' "real language," but rather a simplified form created to communicate with us -- a visual pidgin, if you will.

    Fully-realized Shaper glyphing probably has features we haven't even seen yet, such as grammatical classifiers. Trying to derive cultural insights from the limited glyph set would be like trying to predict human culture based on Morse Code.

    That said, I will point one really unusual thing about Shaper glyph-language: It appears to be a logographic system whose non-compound forms make minimal references to material culture. That's weird. Human logographic systems (such as Egyptian hieroglyphs or Chinese) usually start with base symbols for physical things (tree, water, house, etc.), adding compound or classified forms for immaterial concepts. If the base Shaper glyphs lack reference to material existence (and that's a big "if"), the three most logical hypotheses are:

    1) Glyphs aren't even close to the real Shaper language, instead being a interlingual tool created just to communicate with other species.

    2) Shaper brains are wired very differently than ours.

    3) Shapers don't have a material existence to reference.

    I'll let you decide which of these hypotheses is most troubling. - Ethnolinguistics - Wikipedia


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