Stumbled over this post from Ocydia Zheng​.

Stumbled over this post from Ocydia Zheng​. Was Hank Johnson​​ at the Mount Mesa Sanitarium area recently and if so, which purpose served this visit? It seems that Agent Fallapart could know more.

Originally shared by Ocydia Mercurius

还记得Hank Johnson 在ViaLux 启蒙军最后声明中的那句“我们将很快见面”么?
有特工发现了他的行踪,从portal图像来看与他周末时在facebook的影片中的背景非常相似。Hank在这片遗迹中寻找到了什么? intel位置,-117.766008&z=17&pll=34.778572,-117.766008


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