I'd like to pose a question for the sake of research.

I'd like to pose a question for the sake of research. My memory is starting to haze over a bit and some clarity would be appreciated.

The Shaper Glyphs. We know that Misty Hannah had given them to Klue S. at the Magic Castle. Klue told Carrie Campbell about them.

Then Carrie began working with Hank Johnson in order to discover the connections involving Robert E. Howard during the summer of 2013.

When Johnson arrived in Cross Plains, he found a massive Glyph on the ground. He then made his way towards the San Saba mines, which Howard was instructed to find by H.P Lovecraft.

Jim Bowie also found the same mines before he died at the Alamo.

Within the mines were the Glyphs that were in the package sent to the London Agents during TimeZero.

Am I correct in this analysis? Are there things I have missed?


  1. That sounds right in terms of time line regarding the glyphs. But what was the event that introduced glyph hacking on scanners?


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