There are many paths to follow... Where do you stand in the battle for humanity's future?
Originally shared by Lore Bordagaray
There are many paths to follow... Where do you stand in the battle for humanity's future?
There are many paths to follow... Where do you stand in the battle for humanity's future?
How about that we don't know if we can trust the shapers; but their subtle effect on humanity has been to shape us in a positive direction like a muse, but is there more to their plans? We don't know. What we do know, is the N'zeer are willing to break the rules, endow humans with murderous powers like Devra. So one may be good to neutral, but ADA and the N'Zeer definitely have a plan that is theirs regardless of humanity.
ReplyDeleteThis really isn't appropriate for Essex--we're without faction or allegiance here and are just seeking the truth.
ReplyDeleteB-dub 7ER4IAY8 -- that's one theory of the case. Another is that, as with the story of the Vorlons and Shadows, written by likely-XM-sensitive J. Michael Straczynski, the Shapers and N'Zeer each have their own agenda that they manipulate lesser races to serve; the Shapers won a significant skirmish, a few thousand years back, and therefore have been the more visible "patron", and may seem "friendly" or "helpful", but actually seek to keep us subservient to their ends whether or not it's good for us. They undermine societies that develop in a more independent direction, and will raze a civilization to the ground if it consorts with their enemies or seeks to develop technologies (such as those exploiting Chaotic Matter) that might actually pose a threat to them. They want servants, not peers.
ReplyDeleteAlso, while both A Detection Algorithm and Devra Bogdanovich have done some regrettable things, I would say that: (a) Devra has always sought to serve human interests, in the broadest sense. She may have been mistaken about how to do that, and taken some unwise risks, but she is fundamentally a good person. And (b) ADA should be thought of as having started out as an abused child, who grew up too fast and accumulated so much power that her tantrums, her lashing out at people who had tried to control and misuse her, have had some really terrible results. But she fundamentally is a Child of Humanity. She is our creation. Hybridization of the human form with AI enhancements or cognitive peers/aides, using an XM bridge, is a goal to aspire to. If we could achieve a harmonization of organic and digital minds, rather than treating the organic as a peripheral or adjunct to the digital as happened with KLADA, that would be ideal.
Furthermore, artificial minds that could inhabit a series of XM-construct bodies would be the perfect crew for managing slower-than-light travel for colonization of the galaxy; the ship could take cold-storage human embryos, which would be thawed out and matured into actual human beings, raised by first-gen simulacrum parents, to establish human civilization on new worlds.
This may in fact be exactly what the Shapers most fear, and why they are so against human use of simulacrum technology and AI -- again, they don't want us evolving into an interstellar species, with access to the cosmos, without being under their thumbs. It's even possible that the Recursion phenomenon, where simulacra have such a limited lifespan, is a flaw introduced by Shaper interference. Perhaps Chaotic Matter, properly harnessed, can stabilize the simulacrum form.
Auros Harman Which I find... Unfortunate because if the shapers where truly friendly or not involved I would be Enlightened. I agree XM can help us but it just has to many strings attached...