There were recognised groupings of 12 Hittite gods, 12 Etruscan, 12 Greek, 12 Egyptian and...12 Roman...

There were recognised groupings of 12 Hittite gods, 12 Etruscan, 12 Greek, 12 Egyptian and...12 Roman...

I present this altar of a grouping of Olympian gods as further support of my theory that these gods were based on ancient immortal men and women, simulacra, based in a nest.

The third century Greek poet Ennius identified the gods of the Dii Consentes as:

Juno, Vesta, Minerva, Ceres, Diana, Venus,Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune, Vulcan,Apollo

The Dii Consentes predate the founding of Rome.

The way they are depicted on this altar bears a striking similarity to how the ancients might sculpt a representation of a MAGNUS nest. I believe that knowledge of this ancient MAGNUS nest inspired, and was assimilated into, broader Graeco-Roman mythology.

If others are willing to entertain this theory, it might help us think about the Aegis and Ancile in a different way.

I leave you with the words of the poet Ennius, the oldest source identifying the gods of the Dii Consentes. Perhaps not coincidentally, he also felt that this circle of deities were not truly divine but were important, ancient men who later passed into myth.

Who kindly shows the way to one lost,
Does as he lit another's lamp from his own.
No less shines his, when he the other's has lit.- Cicero quoting Ennius


  1. This is really interesting! Thanks good reading

  2. Interesting that he included Vulcan, but left out Hades.

  3. Thanks Josias Baez​! I'm glad you find it as interesting as I do.

  4. Yes, Heidi Beck​​, that is interesting, and well spotted!

    The frequent conspicuous absence of Hades is something that modern readers find ununusual. After all, Hades is certainly one of the most important and powerful gods.

    However, it is believed that Hades l, as ruler of the underworld, was of a qualitatively different sort, occasional visit to Olympus notwithstanding.

    In this view, his exclusion is attributable to being on the wrong side of the Olympic-Chthonic divide. While this division was not recorded by the ancients themselves, modern scholars have recognised that there is a regularly observed dichotomy in attitudes to the gods of the sky (Olympic gods) and the gods of the underworld. This difference was manifested in different methods of sacrifice and worship.

    I have wondered whether the Olympic-Chthonic divide can be mapped onto the MAGNUS-AntiMAGNUS dichotomy.

    The Olympic gods are celestial, heaven looking making them perhaps allies of the transcendent Shapers.

    The Chthonic gods are grounded in the earth, the material, the natural world, perhaps servants of the N'Zeer.

    This is nothing more than speculation at the moment, but I might expand on it if others think there is something looking,

  5. Over-Under Earth.   Interesting division.    It reveals another hidden Triangle.   Olympic-Chthonic describe one link.  Their interaction with those on the surface of earth describe the other two.

  6. I wonder if 12 figures so prominently because of the number of lunar cycles in a year. Note also in Jewish myth, 12 sons of Jacob founding 12 tribes, which later in Christian myths were typified by 12 apostles.

  7. Also Jupiter spends about 1 year in each "house" or constellation of the 12 months of the year.

  8. Hades was often left out. Zues didn't consider him an equal since he didn't rule from Mount Olympus.


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