We know that as a result of the ENL "capture" of ADA during Abaddon that she lost her access to the N'zeer substrate.

We know that as a result of the ENL "capture" of ADA during Abaddon that she lost her access to the N'zeer substrate. Would this suggest that Jarvis being "captured" by the RES similarly cut him off from the Ultimate (as he describes the realm of the Shapers)?
And here's a good one--might the N'zeer substrate and the Shapers' Ultimate be the same thing/place? We really don't know much about either, so I'd be interested in theories and anything folks have run across in the canon to help on these questions.


  1. Allen Tanner Before her "transition", she was able to utilize the portal network in some method. Remember that it was learned she was able to utilize blue fields to offload part of her processing to human minds under those fields.
    That leads to a larger and long unresolved question--how is anyone able to inject anything into the portal network from outside it? Media, breadcrumbs, XM constructs... ?
    (PS-watch how quickly you post in succession. Your comments got auto-flagged as spam by G+. I had to manually approve them for them to appear as a result.)

  2. Does the Resistance's influence on Jarvis have anything to do with Jarvis' "hunting" of ADA?  Is he actually, or is it hearsay or rhetoric?

  3. Daniel Beaudoin The leading theory I'm seeing is that neither Jarvis nor ADA had their POVs/goals changed as a result of their "captures", unlike the other sensitives. Witness specifically ADA's immediate post Okinawa statement.

  4. Allen Tanner I sure do!  I wonder if he still feels the same.  I wish we could get some communication from him that didn't have to go through the Acolyte filter.

  5. I wonder if things transpiring now, are exactly the way Roland Jarvis saw them, or if his warnings to us have somehow altered that future he saw.


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