H. Richard Loeb​ The Reason Foundation, I found it. You were talking about this about a week or so ago.

H. Richard Loeb​ The Reason Foundation, I found it. You were talking about this about a week or so ago.

I've included a page taken from the Niantic Project Vol. 4, pg 207. There is a ripped out page from... something. Seems to be a panel discussing Dialtone, and lists two sponsors.

One being The Reason Foundation, same as on the card Jahan gave Martin Schubert​.

The other sponsor? Shouldn't come as a surprise to be Ezekiel Calvin.

Not sure what to think, what relevance this has to anything, why this is important, or why we should care. So far, it's just a name, and this tells us Jahan and Calvin might have had some sort of connection, a long time ago.


  1. Very interesting. I think that Jahan and Calvin may have had a connection for a while now, considering that Hank Johnson was shepherded to Jahan in India during the Darsana series.

  2. I did more digging around, this was already discussed before 😅 most of the discussion is actually on H. Richard Loeb​'s original post. Mostly leads going nowhere, but this still intrigues me. I came across this while finishing up Vol 4 of the Niantic Project files.

  3. Luiz Valenzuela Another very interesting thing. 
    Did Martin Schubert and Devra Bogdanovich work at the same University?

  4. It's possible. They all seem to have connections long before Niantic. It looks like Calvin was sheep herding since the beginning.

  5. Luiz Valenzuela I need to get my hands on Origins... 

  6. Mustafa Said​ Ingress Origins was such a fun read, so glad I picked it up 😉

  7. Magnetic and Anti-Magnetic... Magnus and Anti-Magnus. Anything there?


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