not a bad trade at the end of the day with those default ENL characters with the RES ones.

not a bad trade at the end of the day with those default ENL characters with the RES ones.

ADA can actually do stuff like getting people killed. JARVIS got killed, revived and dies again. And just talks...Now she's on ENL side.

Zeke does all the plotting and actually moves the plot. His talents will be of value in advancing SHAPER cause.

OLW makes all the cool XM gadgetry stuff. Maybe X16 bursters that can level whole cities?


  1. It would be nice to get higher level resos and bursters.

  2. ENL getting all the "baddies"? Plot twist ahead!!

  3. ENL were supposed to be the bad guys from year zero? looks like the reshuffle can let the story writers retcon the storyline

  4. Good to let ADA have a taste of her own medicine.

  5. Begets the fundamental questions: what is the Shaper-N'zeer conflict about? Why are the Enlightened mapped to the Shapers? Who started this Enlightened faction? Why are the Resistance mapped to the N'zeer? Why is NIA, ADA etc aligned to the Resistance faction?

    And why do people join either faction? Because they subscribe to each faction's ideology? They prefer the colours? Or because all their friends are of that colour?

  6. Read H. Richard Loeb​'s latest musings post-Abadon. The raison de'tre of ENL and RES had been redfined and hopefully "canonized". It's no longer about "saving" humanity from alien invasion/slavery. Its about how humanity will exploit alien intelligence for self-interest.


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