Katalena And Klue-A Possible Connection?

Katalena And Klue-A Possible Connection?

Over in the Essex hangout, an interesting conversation began about Klue and Katalena. I've taken screenshots of the entire conversation for discussion. It's a lot but I'd recommend going though it-it's an interesting one.



  1. Chris Sibbald Yeah sure let me get you in, one sec.

  2. Problem: Wasn't Katalena's body found and examined by regular police?

  3. Auros Harman To be honest, I don't actually know. From what I know of, I don't remember seeing any info from official channels regarding the police pickup of her body.

  4. Pretty sure it's mentioned in some of the early lore, possibly in the original Felicia Hajra-Lee novelette.

  5. Auros Harman I will take a look at the Niantic Project Ingress novella as well as any documents, audio files from the death period. I will report back here when I've either found something or failed to do so.

    From my initial memory, the most I recall regarding Katalena's death after the fact was the 911 call by the civilian who witnessed it. Other than that(and the possibility of NIA cleaners obtaining the body as they picked up Farlowe in the NP:I book), I can't recall anyone-general public or NIA/blackdev operatives taking her body or doing anything with it. The NIA picked up Jarvis' body but not hers from what I recall.

  6. “All roads came from here
    All paths originated
    All moments in time”

    “the first note, the first frequency
    the first sentence, the first exotic matter”

    First of all big thx for sharing HO! I investigated Carrie’s Vision Journal. And yes, I summarise that her drawing could lead to a XM breeding programme.

    I found four glyphs related to the picture: CLOSE ALL/OPEN ALL/UNKNOWN/JOURNEY

    Maybe you can help me with the third glyph. https://plus.google.com/105838193018678917660/posts/RvTdeSud1Ph

  7. Achim S. Glyphs have never been my specialty but I don't mind helping out. I'd recommend Daniel Beaudoin for glyph support. :D

  8. Mustafa Said​ thx! Help is always welcome!

  9. Achim S. I believe that third glyph is "Begin."

  10. Can i get in on the HO too please? Mustafa Said​

  11. Louis Samudio III Yeah sure let me see what I can do.

  12. Another problem lies in Klue's early videos where she didn't seem to know the meaning of the Tycho paintings. If she was Katalena she would know and be very spooked.

  13. Mustafa Said Permission into the Essex Hangout please, I just want to read all of the things

  14. Michael Hall Let me get you in. 

    Louis Samudio III I seem to have trouble getting you into the hangout. I'd recommend circling me back and then I'll try again. 

    EDIT: Odd, Michael. Having trouble getting you in too. Circle me back and I'll try again.

    EDIT: Saw you added me Michael. Still can't add you. Maybe invite me to a hangout.

  15. Auros Harman​Mustafa Said​ The bodies at the scene were never found by the police. Literally seconds after the murder, NIA cleaners were on the scene. They did so well in cleaning the area, that the local police dismissed the entire event as a mere theatrical stunt.

    The slain woman we had previously believed to be Katelina was actually an associate of hers named Marla.

    What was surprising to me was finding out that the "local" woman that witnessed the event and called the police was actually Katelina, telling the police what ADA was coaching her to say. While at the same time ADA was giving unorthodox orders to Phillips not to kill the witness.

  16. Daniel Beaudoin Woah. the woman gunned down in Zurich wasn't Katalena? 

    Can you find the link to that for me or point me in the direction of that statement-I gotta see that. It would explain a lot to me if she wasn't dead this whole time.

  17. Daniel Beaudoin Fascinating. I have a copy of Origins in my Oakland swag package, so I guess I'll look forward to reading more. :-)

  18. Yik Sheng Lee Yet another reason to read it. My copy can't come fast enough. :)

  19. Allen Tanner​ Going to respond to you in a bit. :-) 

    I think I can answer the bit about Katalena. Might sound weird but I've always interpreted that male voice as A Detection Algorithm​. I've always seen that as a typo.
    Yeah. My guess, it was supposed to say "female voice" in that bit but whoever was making the doc made a mistake.

    Not everything can be explained via lore. Sometimes it's just a fourth wall mistake. That's how I've interpreted it. :-)

  20. Michael Hall Louis Samudio III circle me back if you could--let me see if I can get you added to the hangout. There may be settings you have set for privacy that are causing an issue.


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