Judy Booth and I both hacked some new media today that appears to be part of the viatorjourney breadcrumbs but I...

Judy Booth and I both hacked some new media today that appears to be part of the viatorjourney breadcrumbs but I can't find any mention of it here and the picture doesn't really fit with the other breadcrumbs that I've seen.


The source portal was The Hellfire Caves, https://www.ingress.com/intel?ll=51.645897,-0.802787&z=19&pll=51.645979,-0.802617
which was home to The Hellfire Club and constructed by Sir Francis Dashwood around 1752.


  1. Wonderful work, Duncan Booth​ and Judy Booth​. Yik Sheng Lee​, Think you can help out here? :-)

  2. Edgar Allan Wright​ this doesn't seem to be like other breadcrumbs. What do you or Hank Johnson​ think about this?

  3. It might be a few weeks before we go past there again. There's a smurf who passes regularly though. I'll ask him if he's seen this or other media.

    We both got the same media on our first hacks of the portal. We did hack it again a bit later on but got nothing that time.

  4. Hugo Neves​ Do you think there's more to this through decryption methods?

  5. I will check ASAP and let you know. Thanks for the heads up J.J. Ramirez​

  6. Revenge attack by ADA on Hank's breadcrumbs?

  7. Mike Wissinger the other breadcrumb urls still work. I suspect this was supposed to be a picture of the Hellfire Club during some of their dodgier activies and ADA censored it.

    I wish I knew if this is new or if it is just nobody spotted it before. The smurf who visits the portal regularly says he never takes note of any media (but he's going to check now and see if he gets the same one).
    There's also the rest of the Dashwood estate nearby so there might be more media there, but its closed to the public until next summer so no way to find out.

  8. This looks to me like you might need some kind of steganographic analysis to get out the real message.

  9. There is some sort of binary pattern in the images red values indeed. Will dig deeper ...

  10. udi taren​, maybe but the reds are 0, 1, and some 2, so not pure binary.

  11. already noticed, but thx for pointing that out, Duncan Booth ;)

  12. Interesting.. I wonder how many other Viator media show as 'corrupted'.


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