Historical documentation of a family line of XM Sensitives and what happened with them in 1817...?

Historical documentation of a family line of XM Sensitives and what happened with them in 1817...?

After some clarification from Mustafa Said , I want to bring to your attentions what I believe to be a historical example of a family line of XM sensitives and what happened to them.

The area of Adams, TN has a very drawing and dark feel to it, with the amount of people seeing and experiencing things, should clearly be attributed to the amount of XM saturation that happens naturally in the area.

The Bell family had some very dark experiences, resulting in the death of John Bell Sr, and the trauma that scarred Betsy Bell for the rest of her life.

What are your thoughts, fellow investigators?

Could things attributed to "ghosts" really be excessive exposure to XM?


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