Hank Johnson: Military Experience

Hank Johnson: Military Experience 

SO, in the Essex hangout Bacon Ator expressed interesting in discovering more about Hank Johnson's history within the military during his Afghan excursion with Azmati. Mr. Ator possess military experience and wanted to apply his knowledge to the subject matter. With my assistance he was able to come up with this(edited for readability): 

"The DOD Debriefing that took place after Johnson was found following the Afghan Nest event stated that he was PSYOPS.
Now from my experiences, they're attached to the Special Forces group upon deployments, based upon the foreign languages that they speak.  Well, from the Memo, he was an E-4, a Specialist, lower enlisted.

Johnson was probably airborne qualified(Based on Bacon's knowledge of the subject matter) and he would have been attached to a Special Forces B team, which would be the headquaters element. Afghanistan is one of the areas of responsibility for 5th Special Forces Group. PSYOPS would go with an A Team out, and would interface with the local tribes, which means that Hank is fluent in either Arabic or more likely, Farsi. Which would explain how he met, and began to interact with Azmati. 

The Z48 is the start of a military grid coordinate. From the looks of the length of the blackout, that one would get you to within 10 meters of the location that Hank was recovered at.

Also, the unit that recovered Hank is based out of Joint Base Lewis McCord in Washington State, south of Tacoma. Finally the  unit he would be with would be stationed out in Fort Bragg, NC

I would like to kindly thank Bacon Ator for his application of his personal knowledge to the history of this Investigator. Hopefully it'll shed some light on Hank's military abilities. 



  1. As with everything Ingress, timelines, dates, and proper nomenclature are important. It is even more important when mixing in the military to the equation. 

    Hank would be the oldest E-4 I've ever met if the depictions of him in Afghanistan are accurate. Unless he got demoted or some special circumstances surround him maybe. Also, an E-4 at an HHC? Maybe if he was tagged as essential staff. The PSYOP tactical force structure doesn't denote team level roles. Company or maybe battalion?

    Depending on the timeline the 4th MISG's (what PSYOPS is now called) A Battalion, was at one time out of Fort Lewis, Washington during Vietnam... I think. But there is another connection to Lewis. The 7th group is based out of there. However, they are a reserve not active duty unit and not airborne unit. But maybe Hank is a Ranger and went through BAC to get his wings? The 7th group did see lots of deployments and to the Middle East and specifically Afghanistan. The only other Airborne PSYOP group is the 8th. But they were not activated until 2011.

    It would also be unlikely that a PSYOP group would do the recovery too. There are recovery units that do that. In fact, there is the DOD Joint Personnel Recovery Agency whose sole mission is just that. 

    The grid is interesting too. Afghanistan is either 41S, 42S, 41R, or 42R using MGRS coordinates. Not Z48. Hrmmm.... Lots of ambiguity still. I don't think Hank's military history is any less clear. Also isn't there some connection with Azmati's family as well. Maybe he taught Hank the languages? Too much is yet unknown. 

    Thoughts Justin Harrison? I could call a few "friends" as well if you really wanted to dig in to it Mustafa Said.

  2. Hazel Vizion it would be listed with a W not an E then. This all assume US armed forces by the way. Do we know if anything says US specifically?

  3. Andrew Krug​ the memo in question lists the 3rd Stryker brigade combat team as the unit which ran across Hank

  4. Bacon Ator they were only reactivated in 1995 at Lewis so that sets the window of time. 3rd brigade is kind of vague still though. Maybe a mech infantry unit. Probably 2ID 2ID did or does have an intelligence company... Their first deployment to Afghanistan was in 2011. They were in charge of Zabul and Kandahar provinces.

  5. Andrew Krug​, the Strykers are a fast moving six wheel armored personnel carrier for mobility and quick strikes.

  6. Eight wheels actually Bacon Ator​. I'm very familiar with them.


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