Fellow Essexians!

Fellow Essexians!

I am reaching out to you to ask for some help with a bit of Glyph research that I'm working on.

I need a Resistance agent that I can depend on, (I'm Enlightened) for help trying to get to the bottom of an idea that has been nagging at the back of my mind for a while now.

I'm trying to document the glyph messages according to faction that controlled the portal and the faction of the agent that got the message.
I am pretty sure that research like this has never been completed before.

Thank you!!


  1. I'm trying to document the glyph messages according to faction that controlled the portal and the faction of the agent that got the message.
    I am pretty sure that research like this has never been completed before.

  2. I don't think which faction controlls the portal matters, I've seen the same antishaper propoganda when I hacked green and blue portals.

  3. So screen grabs of glyphs and summary of portal level? Mods as well?

  4. I could use all the help i could get. Just what the message is, the controlling faction of the portal, and the faction of the agent.
    I've been using level 6 and 7 portals to collect my data.

  5. i've also been trying to understand the connection. seemed very random so far...

  6. You may want to contact J-P Michael  who has had similar theories. For this specific request, he won't be of help as he's also ENL, but he may have something that helps in the ongoing research.


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