This has been bothering me for a while look at ADA's Symbol when you start up Ingress look closely at it doesn't...

This has been bothering me for a while look at ADA's Symbol when you start up Ingress look closely at it doesn't look like a lot like a circle of Human DNA? Could this mean that ADA was a human? But then had its mind transferred to a A.I. like glados? Anyways lets see what you guys think. 


  1. Shocking GC skew there. Only bacterial genomes should be displayed that way :)

  2. I see an eye with an iris. Isn't it ironic though that another famous female with connections to programming shares the same name Ada Lovelace. I don't think she was a simulacrum but as the removal of Alan Turing suggests both sides have been playing at this for a very long time.

  3. I think her humanity was removed when she entered the N'zeer substrate. According to the BTS video


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