The N'zeer & Shaper Control: A Snippet of an Essex Conversation

The N'zeer & Shaper Control: A Snippet of an Essex Conversation

Earlier today in the Essex hangout, Mustafa Said​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, Yik Sheng Lee​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, and I had a very intriguing discussion on how the N'zeer could have penetrated the portal shield and influenced civilizations like the Aztec in Mesoamerica. I am posting it here so that those who were not able to participate in the hangout or those who are not in the hangout can participate.

Fellow investigators, what are your thoughts on this?


  1. Thanks for sharing! In regard to the Krakow Manuscript I believe N'Zeer could be that what humans in many cultures called dragons. I know my theory is very speculative but if we believe in that N'Zeer/Dragon connection we can speculate that there could be dragonslayers to fight them. Maybe Hank Johnson​ is one of them. It's a theory...

  2. Achim S. How would dragons be technological?

  3. Any engineered being is technological in nature.

  4. Sarah Rosen​ so why are on the Krakow Mascripts so many dragons drawn? Why Roland Jarvis​ and Hank Johnson​ called the N'Zeer dragons?

  5. Achim S. Old World maps before the discovery of the New World had unexplored areas as "there be Dragons here".

  6. Jeffrey Hueseman​ I guess humans often give things they don't know names full of fear. But the roman empire for example used symbol of dragon as a sign of power. They had in their time the most modern army.

  7. Dragons in a medieval context were associated with sin: they were expressions of a community's distance from God and only arrived once the community had fallen into sin to a certain degree.

    The dragon was chthonic and a keeper of gold; representative of a desire to detach oneself from the greater human community and seek power/distance.

    Propitiation of the dragon was seen as another expression of sinful nature; it often took a saint or hero to arrive to slay the dragon and end the consuming, power-aggregating cycle of sin that the community aided and abetted through a lack of action.

    Dark XM itself may not be evil, but as in the tale of Sheba and Solomon it is an attractive nuisance: a power that calls those who desire it to seek their own strength at the expense of all those around them. In the case of Midas, this power manifested as a literal transmutation of humans into lucre.

  8. Excessive interaction with dark XM in this case. Don't get confused by the terminology.

    As per the golden fleece analogy, the medieval mythic concept of dragons being drawn by a certain activity is indicative. Thus, one need not be thinking of literal flying firebreathers.

  9. Allen Tanner I mention it mostly because of the dragons. It was noted earlier, how could dragons be technological? Well, in the same way that dark XM could be sinful. Analogies, incomplete understanding, explanations with the best words at hand.

  10. I don't believe that dark xm is bad, just misunderstood. I agree with Allen Tanner​, you can't use the terminology of 'sin' in the same category as XM of any type. Energy is neither good or bad. It is a force. Different currents of the same pulse. I can appreciate the analogy of the lure of power with dark XM, but think it is too simple look at is as a corrupting force or the root of all evil.

    Although I do see the parallels between the N'zeer and dragons, it is not a clear cut bad vs. good, particularly when viewing the global mythology of dragons. Not every culture has viewed dragons as bad or in need of slaying.
    Much in this thought, we cannot view Shapers or N'zeer in a clear cut "this side is bad" context but as different sides of the same coin. Different, but essential to each other.

  11. Chantelle Stephenson My point is that throughout history, these energies have been associated with human action, and consequentially the attraction of beings of great power. The human action in this context is crucial. Thus, the attributes of these creatures are meaningful. The Western representation of the dragon is one of darkness, brooding power, and separation. The Eastern representation tends to be one of regal majesty and integration into society. Are these even the same creature? There are counterexamples, but the most famous tend to match these concepts.

    I suspect one thing to remember is that the scaled form into which one may revert when exposed to massive amounts of dark XM is meaningful here.

  12. Typhoon Jim submerge me in dark XM and I am happy to test that theory. More than happy

  13. Chantelle Stephenson Sure, if I get to keep the gold statue.


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