Thanks to Tommy Lam​​, we have been able to recover a short signal from Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ from a portal in New...

Thanks to Tommy Lam​​, we have been able to recover a short signal from Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ from a portal in New Taipei City.

Ingress​ Niantic Project​


  1. I am what?
    What does the last line of the video say? Too hard to understand...

  2. I am one? I am... Could be the next Ada 'victim'...

  3. I think you're right, Thomas Arteaga​, but I can't make out what he's one with.

  4. Yik Sheng Lee Interesting. OLW has been described as if he felt he was talking semi-equally with God (specifically seen in Ingress Origins in a Devra quote) so it doesn't seem too out of his character to attempt to transcend humanity to "be equal with the gods"

  5. Sounds to me like he doesn't want to be rescued.

  6. Well, it looks like the ENL are about to rescue him.


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