Found it and want to share with you.

Found it and want to share with you.


  1. Perhaps a hidden message from Carrie Campbell​. It looks alike her draws before. She dies

  2. Pentagrams in eyes. A person full of fear. And something like a "ghost" behind. That is what I see from my point of interest.

  3. Very interesting. Her face looks like the card that has Klue on it. Her code card. Will she get another visit from Ada? Only time will tell.

  4. The writing looks Greek to me. Phi, alpha, sigma, and I can't quite see the fourth letter on my phone but will check again when I get to a bigger screen.

  5. I need access to a paleography book for the fourth character. Off the top of my head I don't know of a Greek letter that is a circle with a line ascending from the top. (Qoppa is like that but flipped) It's vaguely reminiscent of one way of drawing delta. But I'm on the road and 4000 km from my paleography books.


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