Dear investigators, I have some questions for you.

Dear investigators, I have some questions for you.

What brings you here? What is it that you are investigating?

Something in particular? Everything in general? Or are you merely following the story while making clever remarks from the side?

And what are your results? What did you discover so far?

Also, what methods are you employing, generally speaking?

I am not looking for collective answers, but individual ones.


  1. I am here to learn the truth about the world around me. The world of exotic matter, the Shapers, the N'zeer, and Chaotic matter. I think it's important for people to be informed about the choices they make especially when their choices are significant enough to affect the development of humanity as a whole. 

    I have learned a lot, too much to describe in a comment. Concepts involving history, science, philosophy--ideas that have utility inside and outside of the investigation.

  2. #Essex  is love, #Essex  is life. ;)

  3. Thomas Arteaga Did you learn the truth about the world around you?

  4. Gab Riel Not completely. But I know more now than I did before.

  5. Essex brings us to the truth.  The truth about the world, the truth about XM, the truth about life.

  6. I am archivist and work to document and archive, especially in a digital age where much of what is generated may be lost and this will become a dark age in history.

    1. I follow Devra Bogdanovich and have a blog where I have tracked and collected information about her, her career and her connections. I have found out much about Dr. Bogdanovich, but there is still more to be discovered.

    2. I am a wiki editor for the Niantic Wiki and work to collect documents and materials associated with the Niantic Project and related.

    3. I am curious about Carrie Campbell double blind experiment and what it was/found/studied

    4. I am fascinated with the Gravity of Narrative theory proposed by  Edgar Allan Wright and am looking into its application to the Niantic Project and potentially other applications (such as his mention of glyph appearances)  -

  7. Thomas Arteaga Interesting. Truth coming in fractions. What part of the truth about the world around you have you learned?

  8. JoJo Stratton​ Are you saying that you are only an archivist, not an investigator?

  9. Nviea Sarriha You sound like being part of a cult.

  10. I think 3 and 4 go beyond the archiving scope :)

  11. Gab Riel Maybe you should answer those questions, or are you just here to cause trouble? ;)

  12. JoJo Stratton So I understand that you are investigating Carrie's double blind experiment and Wright's Gravity of Narrative theory.

    What methods are you employing, generally speaking?

  13. JoJo Stratton And what are your results? What did you discover so far?

  14. Michael Flood​​​​​ There is nothing that I should do. But I am going to answer nevertheless. In fact, I was even eager to be asked.

    I came here investigating something in particular: the core of the story. I wanted to see what kind of story Google was telling. I have come to excellent results. One of the main methods used was comparative mythology. I have come to the conclusion that the Shaper - N'zeer dichotomy reflects the eternal Apollo - Dionysian dichotomy, the play of Order and Chaos. And that the imminent coming of the N'zeer represents the imminent integration of Chaos into our culture.

  15. I will add that I do very much welcome this imminent integration of Chaos into our culture, this making me very much AntiMagnus, for real.

  16. But enough about me. I am very curious to see others answering. To see how much investigation is really going on here.

  17. Gab Riel "I do very much welcome this imminent integration of Chaos into our culture..." - so as I suspected... mostly here to cause trouble. ;)

  18. Michael Flood I can be dismissed in several ways. If this suits you, than please do. You have my blessing to ignore me for the rest of your life.

  19. Michael Flood​

    Chaos should never be feared, but embraced.

    Often times you learn more about the true nature of people and things during moments of chaos than you ever could through controlled experimentation.

    Only however if you're looking carefully enough.

    Sometimes it pays to be that calm observant person during moments when the world is going to hell and those around you are panicking.

  20. Jeana Steinborn That sounds great if you value learning about "the true nature of people" over the "world going to hell".  Sure, sacrifice humanity for your own new insights, joy.

  21. At the very beginning I was totally ignorant staring on the black scanner searching for XM. But then by learning the glyphs I started to follow the storyline. On my search for answers I found Essex and until now I consume all I can catch. I'm not really focused in a special detail but more and more I'm interested in the N'Zeer/Shapers-Duality. But I'm at the very beginning...

  22. Michael Flood​

    How can you save the world if you never understand it?

    Chaos creates itself. It always has, and always will find a way. Those who fear it. Those who panic in those moments. Those who shrink away. Learn nothing.

    I never said go out and create chaos. Simply not to fear it. Embrace it and use it learn.

    "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

  23. Jeana Steinborn "I never said go out and create chaos. Simply not to fear it. Embrace it and use it learn."

    (paraphrasing b/c I'm lazy): "The only thing required for evil to triumph is for good to do nothing...."

    So you will "embrace" chaos while others do the hard work.  Have fun watching from your couch (or computer).

  24. hmmm, well - with Carrie's experiment - right now it is at the stage of just trying to find, hope others push out any information about what the experiment might have been. Considering the nature of a Double Blind experiment - while Carrie may not have been aware of the outcome - I hope there might be some trace of what she intended...  

    As to Wright's theory - that is something as I said fascinates me, meaning, I am very interested in it and thinking about how one might go about proving or disproving, it seems in one potential aspect, it would take an enormous amount of datasets and correlation to try to find connections, timing and thus the gravity well building (applying the theory of a gravity field and wells from Physics to narrative). In some aspects it reminds me of the concept of a meme, or a viral cultural entity, something perhaps linked to what Calvin called the Shaper Mind Virus (or perhaps not :)

    For now, I am simply in the observation mode, collecting data and listening and discussing ideas.

    As to Devra - that is akin to a historian researching an ancient person, place or thing. As more is revealed, the historian works to fit that into the assorted spheres of influence that person/place/thing occupies (aka itself, then those directly in contact, then those connected to those directly in contact, etc). So that is more of taking pieces as they are found and looking at how they fit into the whole.

  25. I started following Essex as well as joined the ranks of the Anti-Magnus to learn.

    I have my personal opinions and they don't always line up with either side. I also always keeps my personal opinions to myself. Not many people have ever seen or heard what I truly think, or ever will, because I choose not to share it.

    In any and every situation, I will always take and voice the side of the Devil's Advocate.

    I don't think the real truth can ever be found if you don't see a situation from every single point of view.

    And to truly see and learn every point of view you must emerse yourself wholy and fully into that side.

  26. Not sure if this is where I'm supposed to go to put down my story but I like this thread. :D 

    So, what exactly am I investigating? Well, H. Richard Loeb posed a question on Nov 1st, 2012: What is the Niantic Project? I became more or less obsessed with wanting to find out by following the leaks that he pushed out. 

    Over time, I came to meet many incredible people including(but not limited to, probably going to forget tons of people in this list): JoJo Stratton, Lukas Lentz, Hugo Neves, Drew Dondero, Yik Sheng Lee, Ana Prados, J.J. Ramirez, Joshua Sallos, Fevenis Silverwind, Niko M, Thomas Arteaga, Klue S., wyman wong, Sherrie Pui, Scheurmann R., Linda Besh, Lexy Rochelle, Kelly Kolton, Brian Rose, Andrew Krug, Kevin Hagan, flint dille, John Hanke, Daniel Clague   and of course Edgar Allan Wright. 

    It was Jojo, Hugo, Lukas and the actions of Klue and Loeb that inspired me so much to even bother putting my voice out there, to put my opinions on matters within the Investigation in the public view. 

    So, what am I focused on nowadays? I said so on Behind The Scanner(Probably not my exact words from the interview): 
    My purpose now is not just to unravel the world of Ingress but to inspire others to do so as well. I want to make the story easier for others to understand in the hope that I might be able to get someone to want to out themselves out there the same way I was inspired to do so.  

    As far as what I do, I'm mostly a spectator at this point. I watch and observe and only really say something when I've got something I need to say. 

    My methods....well, I guess i'm a historian of some sort.  I tend to remember things that most others don't. I've credited it to when I was helping Dr. Wright restore his memory via Shaper Glyphs-I ended up dosing myself with the sequence. Seems to have made it so I can remember tons of information right when people need it 

    Or maybe I'm just good at remembering things, idk. :p

  27. Jeana Steinborn​ that's unfortunate. If you believe someone is incorrect in drawing a conclusion based on evidence, you should express why you believe that using reason. Otherwise, the same conclusion can be drawn incorrectly. Nothing changes.

    I agree with the idea that all perspectives of a given situation should be reviewed, but I think that they should be considered fairly; just because the perspective is of the "devil's advocate", it should be considered more heavily than the opposing perspective. To do otherwise would insert an intrinsic contrarian bias into your analysis.

  28. Also, I am not sure if the order-chaos dichotomy is an appropriate one. Given what we know, the Shapers seem to invoke abstract qualities--emphasizing art, culture, etc. The N'zeer appear to want to rapidly uplift humanity--ending poverty, hunger, and disease with N'zeer knowledge. Bringing order to a chaotic world.

  29. My investigation rewarded me a nice reward today and extends far enough outside of any story that I would say the following. Curiosity doesn't always kill the cat.

  30. I've always been a fan of an idea that currently hasn't been disproven, that secretly the N'Zeer and the Shapers are the same entity.  I don't necessarily believe that idea, but it does sort of make sense, as "Shapers" was a term developed inside of the Niantic Project, where as "N'Zeer" was a term found through lost historic records.  That and recently, there were ideas about different things that both pertained to the Shapers and N'Zeer, but in different ways.  So if they were both the same, it would just be different types characteristic of different groups, personalities, or just different types in general.  But I don't know.

    My rant is over now ;)

  31. 1. my self brought me here, I am investigating nia, ingress, and the storyline.

    2. my results are mostly to myself, due to every time I say something it comes half way true or fully true.

    3. Method I use. (Read between the lines)

  32. I am here to find out the truth behind each faction and how each move by the characters affected the story and the game play. So far I discovered that the first screen when I signed up and how the story developing now it differently portrayed.

  33. My original interest came from some random link. It was about this weird new smartphone app, where you try to find things "hidden in familiar places", to then use them to learn about some newly discovered form of matter / energy. Digging a little deeper, I found the investigation board; "leaked" documents, "random" words, odd characters and vivid imagery. It seemed rather strange and metaphorical and perhaps worth paying some attention to.

    As discussions began to take shape, I found that many of the topics surrounding Niantic related rather well to the "study of connections between unconnected topics for increasing understanding of all". I find the philosophical musings on order, duality, infinity, technology, and such to be fascinating. While many times the conversations (here and elsewhere) are well over my head, I enjoy the mental exercises, and so I like to dive in anyway.

    Methods? I basically just watch the scanner and follow the story, neither too diligently these days, but sometimes life steps in.

    At one point I was posting links and remembrances in the daily discussion, in exchange for passcodes to hand-out at meets or dead-drop for fun in the field. I think they turned that off long ago, unfortunately.

    What have I discovered? In the field, my experience (and many others') would agree with much of Martin Schubert's assessment, as seen here -

    In some cases, it may be said to also amplify certain "negative" traits; loss of immediate situational awareness, increased aggression, inflation of ego, etc. But if we consider that a medicine may also be a poison and vice-versa, perhaps these aren't such negative experiences after all.

  34. Thomas Arteaga if I think someone has come to the incorrect conclusion, I would rather insert all the sides of perspective associated to the question. I don't want to give my opinion, and the conclusion I reached. If someone changes their conclusion, I want it to be because they considered all the information available. From all sides involved.

  35. JoJo Stratton so, regarding Carrie's experiment, your results have not been quite satisfactory until now and your method is waiting for others to push out some information.

    And regarding Wright's theory, your methods include thinking about how it may be proven or disporoven. And your result is discovering that it would take an enormous data set.

    Am I getting this right in regards to your investigation activities?

  36. Mustafa Said Thank you!

    And what about the results of your investigation? Did you find out what the Niantic Project is? Did you unravel the world of Ingress?

  37. Thomas Arteaga​​

    Besides, there is no such thing as a wrong conclusion or opinion. Everyone reaches a conclusion or opinion based on their experiences.

    There are however uninformed and informed opinions.

    I would much rather add to a person's information pool, then try to prove them "wrong".

  38. I came here because I was asked to by Edgar Allan Wright. 

    I am here to take your confusion on and confuse myself further while maybe helping everyone else out.

  39. Gab Riel​​ and JoJo Stratton​​ Thx for your +1! That motivated me to start my investigations and to bring order in my own chaos...

  40. I came here because I want to learn more about glyphs, the Shapers, the N'Zeer and to find out exactly who is influencing who...

    Not to mention I want to talk with Edgar Allan Wright himself.

  41. Bacon Ator and what are your methods of investigation?

  42. Gab Riel I apologize for waiting so long to respond.

    Nope. I still don't really know what's fully going on. Things have expanded on the initial Niantic Project in Geneva. The narrative of XM is so more deeper than what we learned back then. So I keep digging and I keep trying to get others to dig with me, because it's more fun with friends.


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