Where are the missing sensitives?

Where are the missing sensitives?  like Devra Bogdanovich  https://plus.google.com/u/0/+NianticProject/posts/Tk8sywh6maV


  1. So that means he is in play?  Also I liked the potential by Richard Jennings about the dots relating to the month/type of event

  2. Yik Sheng Lee​ his body was kept in that shed that the Acolyte was protecting...did it ever move and was it still there after the XM explosion? It's likely that Roland Jarvis​​ has been a simulacrum since Bowstring afterall

  3. In my opinion, the dot is important level of each character in story line and those characters never appear as Shard (except Jarvis).

    And the dot might be different score of each character in the Shard game.


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