The True Alignment of the Researchers?
The True Alignment of the Researchers?
So, on May 23rd and May 25th 2014, Stein Lightman posted a series of theories regarding the Resistance and Enlightened Shaper Glyphs and their newly discovered variants.
For the Enlightened Glyphs: Unlike the Resistance, however, I have yet to come up with a comprehensive hypothesis of the divide that lies in the interpretation of Enlightened ideology. Some proposed, on my previous thread, that perhaps the difference lies between those who believe Roland Jarvis vs. Hank Johnson represent the true face of the Faction, or perhaps that the differences are between those who embrace Enlightenment cautiously vs. enthusiastically. A possibility, but personally I disagree. I am of the opinion that 'the great schism' that will divide the Enlightenment has not yet been discovered. I believe that as we learn more of the nature of the Shapers, what they or it are, and what the Ordered Data Signal's true purpose and power is, a great divide will emerge.
And for the Resistance: In light of the recent developments with my former colleague, Devra Bogdanovich, I returned to examine these two Glyphs. It took me some time before deciding to call them 'Type A' and 'Type B.' By naming them Types A and B, I hope to place them on equal grounds for analysis. Here is my hypothesis, and I say 'my' loosely as I know other Investigators have raised this theory on their own as well: These Glyphs represent two entirely different interpretations of Resistance ideology. One of them represents those who seek to utilize Exotic Matter, the Portals and the Ordered Data Signal to further a human-centric cause. In practice, they choose to utilize the Ingress Scanner to build Resistance Portals, Links and Fields, using this tool for what they believe is the betterment of mankind.(MuMu note-let's call this Type A) The other represents a more fundamental view towards Exotic Matter and its manifestations, i.e. that XM is intrinsically problematic, dangerous, a threat to mankind and must be stopped. This interpretation would of course be in line with Dr. Bogdanovich's thinking(MuMu note-let's call this Type B.).
When Devra Bogdanovich was captured by RES again in Shonin, I was thinking she'd be a N'zeer supporter so it surprised me when she told Hank not to go to Persepolis. Why? Perhaps it's because Devra was Type B RES while Jahan is Type A.
Now, in #Abaddon we are dealing with the re-shuffling of the game board so to speak and re-aligning all the researchers again in one go. With the Lightman discovery in mind, I ask you all for your thoughts on this:
Which variant ideology will each researcher stand on after being reunited via Flash Shards? Will Carrie remain Type B? Will Misty become Type A? How can we determine which variant they believe in? Or does it not matter at all?
In the name of the investigation, I release this information. I can only hope it serves our journey well.

So, on May 23rd and May 25th 2014, Stein Lightman posted a series of theories regarding the Resistance and Enlightened Shaper Glyphs and their newly discovered variants.
For the Enlightened Glyphs: Unlike the Resistance, however, I have yet to come up with a comprehensive hypothesis of the divide that lies in the interpretation of Enlightened ideology. Some proposed, on my previous thread, that perhaps the difference lies between those who believe Roland Jarvis vs. Hank Johnson represent the true face of the Faction, or perhaps that the differences are between those who embrace Enlightenment cautiously vs. enthusiastically. A possibility, but personally I disagree. I am of the opinion that 'the great schism' that will divide the Enlightenment has not yet been discovered. I believe that as we learn more of the nature of the Shapers, what they or it are, and what the Ordered Data Signal's true purpose and power is, a great divide will emerge.
And for the Resistance: In light of the recent developments with my former colleague, Devra Bogdanovich, I returned to examine these two Glyphs. It took me some time before deciding to call them 'Type A' and 'Type B.' By naming them Types A and B, I hope to place them on equal grounds for analysis. Here is my hypothesis, and I say 'my' loosely as I know other Investigators have raised this theory on their own as well: These Glyphs represent two entirely different interpretations of Resistance ideology. One of them represents those who seek to utilize Exotic Matter, the Portals and the Ordered Data Signal to further a human-centric cause. In practice, they choose to utilize the Ingress Scanner to build Resistance Portals, Links and Fields, using this tool for what they believe is the betterment of mankind.(MuMu note-let's call this Type A) The other represents a more fundamental view towards Exotic Matter and its manifestations, i.e. that XM is intrinsically problematic, dangerous, a threat to mankind and must be stopped. This interpretation would of course be in line with Dr. Bogdanovich's thinking(MuMu note-let's call this Type B.).
When Devra Bogdanovich was captured by RES again in Shonin, I was thinking she'd be a N'zeer supporter so it surprised me when she told Hank not to go to Persepolis. Why? Perhaps it's because Devra was Type B RES while Jahan is Type A.
Now, in #Abaddon we are dealing with the re-shuffling of the game board so to speak and re-aligning all the researchers again in one go. With the Lightman discovery in mind, I ask you all for your thoughts on this:
Which variant ideology will each researcher stand on after being reunited via Flash Shards? Will Carrie remain Type B? Will Misty become Type A? How can we determine which variant they believe in? Or does it not matter at all?
In the name of the investigation, I release this information. I can only hope it serves our journey well.

It is interesting that he said that the great schism that will divide the ENL has yet to be discovered. I believe we have discovered it in the RES, with those who support the nzeer and those who oppose them in the name of freeing humanity from outside influence.
ReplyDeleteHumanity is the only faction! I can cheer that!
ReplyDeleteQuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect Very interesting. Curious to ask, where does Jahan stand to you? To me, she sounds like the type A: wants to use N'zeer knowledge through RES XM to build a better world.
ReplyDeleteEnoch's newly discovered history with programmatic composition might imply a sympathy for N'Zeer's tech based offerings, while Carrie's trauma at Minotaur and ultimate decision of self sacrifice could leave her more sympathetic to shutting down all XM and taking our chance as a post-portal species. They could base the dynamic conflict that seemed to fire their relationship on that intramural disagreement.
ReplyDeleteOf course, that assumes both that "capturing" a sensitive's shards in this anomaly results in re-embodying and shifts in the allegiance of the target sensitives.
Actually I would omit the "from outside this world" clause. Use of subliminal means (like XM) to control others is all that's required of the shaper label as articulated from Yuri's description of Anazktec myths. The schism between 13Magnus and Antimagnus over the eons appears to be a preference for which message has a louder megaphone.
ReplyDeleteAnd conceptually that distinction makes sense. In practice the realities of Ingress scanner use makes it clear AM and ADA are capitalizing upon "blue MU" and thus rely on Resistance support.
ReplyDeleteIt's unfortunate too. I wish I could use my blue scanner without feeling like the AM / nzeer were taking advantage of it.
ReplyDeleteThat's like not voting and hoping the problems go away on their own. Both sides could lead to potential dystopia. The trick is picking the one you fear more and working against it.
ReplyDeleteQuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect not at all. Reactionaries do not want the old world, they want the old world improved.
ReplyDeleteAs far as" inviting" anyone in, the Shapers aren't coming, they're already here and have been here for thousands of years.
In the broader sense, I used to see the Enlightened split as being OLW-style Left Hand power seeking vs. Jarvis style Right Hand integrationism/dissolution of the ego back in 13Magnus- and maybe this was even true at the time. However, since their discovery in Interitus and onward, I feel that the N'zeer represent the Left Hand and the Shapers the Right.
ReplyDeleteThe Jahan/Devra divide seems real, and may still exist in the person of Devra despite her integration into the N'zeer substrate. Hank/Jarvis seems the clearest fit here, and my view of where the divide lies in 13Magnus/mediated contact vs. Jarvis/direct access. Jarvis has stated that the 13Magnus rituals are "impure" and I think this alludes to the fact that simulacra remain on earth more or less permanently rather than ascending as patterns to the Ultimate. Consider that Jarvis referred to himself as "Osiris": Osiris did not remain permanently but instead went to the underworld to reign as judge of the Duat. I would contrast this with the concept of the Bodhisattva, one who remains willingly inside the cycle of rebirth in order to aid humanity. The latter seems more akin to the goal of 13Magnus.
I would also further stipulate that one who is a candidate for either Magnus does not start their journey as one, but eventually chooses a path. The reason this feels like a requirement for the above is that we seem to have many historical figures who gain alignment later in their journeys, most notably Alexander.
That said, the A vs B interpretations for Enlightened would seem to support a collective vs. self view still.
ReplyDeleteGlyph A is the Enlightened symbol we know, spiraling outward. Glyph B is the same glyph but continuing on one extra segment, into what we know as "Self". More intriguingly, there is another glyph in the same "family" as Shaper: one known as Shaper, alternately translated as Collective, and another that appears as Shaper plus Self.
At one time I thought Shaper plus Self represented the theorized Set shapers that Yik Sheng Lee postulated during Operation 13Magnus after OLW's comments about other Shapers, but I feel confident now relating this comment to the N'zeer. The N'zeer have their own glyph.
Remember ADA. she's Resistance as well yet, she is interested in evolving humanity throught N'zeer tech. Thats not the kind of Res ideology we started fighting for
ReplyDeleteEduardo Perez It may be the only option you have.
ReplyDeleteFirst & Foremost Don't plant your flag on a moon you haven't landed on.